Back in 2002 Microsoft forked out $375 million to acquire UK-based developer Rare, which had previously enjoyed a long prosperous period with Nintendo.
Of course that meant all of Rare’s intellectual properties went along for the ride, including Perfect Dark and Banjo Kazooie. However, according to Chris Seavor, former Rare employee and the director behind Conker’s Bad Fur Day, a few Microsoft executives also thought they’d picked up Donkey Kong as well, since the developer had made classic titles such as Donkey Kong Country and Donkey Kong 64.
Speaking on Twitter, Seavor said a few of the top-brass at Microsoft came for a tour around the studios and upon seeing Donkey Kong posters proceeded to get excited about owning the franchise - until Rare corrected them.
Microsoft Execs Thought They Owned Donkey Kong After Acquiring Rare - Nintendo Life.