where does all the time go?

Dec 07, 2002 16:35

ok i got up today at like 10 in the morning, got a tree, hung lights had a late lunch and now it's 4 30 already. what the hell? i hafta leave in half an hour for choir again. argh. im not going to get any hw done tonight and that makes me really mad cuz that means i hafta do it all tomorrow. and i have so much to do. :: sigh :: i have another solo tonight. too bad matty can't come. oh well. i couldn't go to his game tonight so i guess it all balances out. last night reminded my about how much the girls b ball team sucks nuts. it's fun ... kinda. i hope we win one soon. we just weren't on last night. i know we are better than that. god i dont' even know what to say. im not really tired im just kinda in a lazy mood. im depressed that it's already 4 30. that makes me kinda mad. its like summer or thanksgiving break. i don't even remember what i do with my time. i know what im going to get my mom and matt for xmas. and i know what i want for xmas. but i no clue about anyone else. oh well. ive still got a bit more time. im dying my hair on the 23 rd! woo hoo! getting rid of this orange shit. im going to trim it too. to prevent the nastiness that some people have. but only a short trim. no more than an inch. i can't believe all the hw i have to do this weekend. it kinda just hit me. ugh. what a pain. i have to clean my room too. it's getting cluttered. i hate the holidays. im such a scrooge. like i love the holidays but i hate just before the holidays. finals, a bajillion and a half xmas concerts, crowds, those damn bell ringers at nordstroms that make you feel really guilty and you know they judge you cuz you just walked out of NORDSTROM, the crowds, bad mall music, the crowds. omg. did i mention the crowds? and trying to parallel park my frickin boat downtown with all the people? ick. its just icky. i like the shopping tho. there's lots of stuff on sale. if anyone who knows my dad can think of anything that he might like let me know. im sick of getting him ties. hahaha. oh i get to go get another tree tomorrow for my moms place now. ( the hazard of divorced parents is you do everything twice) i have no time for anything this week. or next week. ill be glad when new years rolls around. by then ill hopefully know that im in syracuse.
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