So, good(ish?) news and bad news. I got that exam I was freaking out about back, and I got a whopping 47% on it. Wheeee! (ha). I hate failing exams, it pisses me off. BUT, the class average was 53%, and well over half the class failed, so that makes me feel a little better. We couldn't blame it on the difficulty of the exam though, 'cause the prof's two other classes had averages in the high 60s I believe...heh. Anyways, the good-ish news is that I don't have to write the other exam I missed--the deal is going to be that my prof gives me a mark for that one based on averaging out my mark on the first exam (an A) and my mark on the final. I better do well on that damn final, huh!??? Yikes, it's going to make or break my entire grade fo sho.
I sucked so bad at filling out
712's music poll.'d think I don't even know how to turn on a computer-machine with brain cells like that! I blame it on school stress. (For example, I have a 10 page essay due tomorrow, and I have'nt picked a topic yet. YES!)
I had such an extensive weekend, I think it's going to take me all week to recover....surprise party Thurs night, out for brunch on Friday and then to work, then home to try and study/sleep, then an exam bright n early on Sat. morning, then out partying very, very hard on saturday from about 6 pm until I got home and collapsed at about 6 am (yay birthday party time! part of the night involved stopping by for a couple hours at a moustache & cleavage party--that was interesting!), then I got to SLEEP IN (yummy) on sunday, got up and did a ton of laundry, housework, computer-cleanup (discs, CDs, programs, picture files, defragmenting, the whole she-bang) before Easter dinner, then caught some late-night TV and prepared for a full-of-homework Monday! That didn't happen. Instead I ran some errands with my sister in the morning and then went to Cara's so Alex and Bill and Cara could take a ton of pictures of me in a bikini holding a skimboard. hahahah. It's for though, so whatever. IT was funny, especially sinc eI was slightly hungover from Easter dinner. And Amanda had her baby there, which was entertaining too. Anyways, Monday night was FAMILY DINNER again (I know, wtf?) for my birthday, which Cam and I were late for since Cam had to stop by the Kayotics warehouse and finish up some protoype board they'd been working on that day...dinner was cool enough, although the 2 glasses of wine I had pretty much finished me off...went to Cam's, watched Taxi Driver and went to sleep...finally.
Now I've got to make it through this week. And see if it's possible that I could zip on over to Victoria on Saturday for a concert...hmmmm?
Oh, Aaaaaaaaaand: