Jun 03, 2008 22:06
Just finished reading Giant-Size Astonishing X-Men #1. I was moved...but I think I'll have to go back and re-read many of the previous issues. With so much time between releases, I tend to forget where previous stories were going. Before reading Giant, I re-read issue 24. Sadly, I was more than half way through the issue before I realized I'd read it before. Gah! I may have more to offer on the issue after I've had more time to digest it. Though, I can say now that I thought the Astonishing art was outstanding. Oddly enough, it was one of the things that pulled me to the title in the beginning. But, I gotta say, wouldn't Scott have a visor tan-line after wearing a visor or glasses over his eyes 24/7 for the past how many decades? Just saying. :P
Also, question about this whole crossover business and multiple title thing. How do they all fit together? What order do these titles like Astonishing, X-Men, Uncanny, etc. intersect, taking into consideration crossovers like Messiah Complex, Endangered Species, and whatever else is out there currently? I understand First Class, Ultimate X-Men, and all those other "canon yet AU" titles are a whole other ball of wax. Help?
marvel craziness,