Nov 09, 2005 14:15
Ok I'm at work so naturally I want to run around the block about 10000000 times.
When I get off work I am going to have no urge to do that at all.
I want to go away so badly. This week on the Today Show is "where in the world is Matt Lauer" week. And it sucks for me because I want to be doing those things! I really have to save up so I can go out of the country this summer.
Long term goals: European Vacation!
Short term goals: Small vacation w/i USA. AAAAAAAAND- Harry Potter tickets. HA!
I need to order them tonight. I'm still debating on going to a midnight showing Thursday or going late on Friday. I am so excited for this movie. It's my favorite book. My sister and I are going to be total nerds and get Ron Weasley shirts and wear them to the movie. I also want a Gryffindor scarf and fake glasses. I must be as nerdy as possible.
Oh and by the way, no offense to LJ or anything, but get a Myspace account. Its really fun because everyone and their Aunt May has one. AND you can post pictures and play music!! GEE YAW!
Well, I better go earn some cashmoney ya'll.