Oct 23, 2008 22:37
people go through a world of abuse. verbal, physical, sexual,.. in so many ways. and its so disgusting to me. but i noticed the people who went through the most abuse seem to be the strongest. they're the people who understand life. in a way you kind of have to go through abuse because its a lesson on life that isn't sugar coated and life isn't sugar coated. life is tough. I was completely blown away how so many people have gone through abuse; also how immature and stupid people are for not giving others the respect they deserve. it totally happens and i guess its a sad realizaton but at the same time, it totally is something that builds you. everything in your life affects you some way or another and you really can't regret things because you wouldn't know the things you know now or be as strong as you are now. you make mistakes. other peoples mistakes affect you. the way you're treated; and the way you treat others... i mean duhh obviously, right? but to experience it and hear about it really puts everything into perspective.