Sep 03, 2004 23:07
Ok all I have to say is...Amanda and Andy if either one of you read this...I am blaming you for my chocolate and cake craving all on you two! (Amanda, I really blame it more on Andy. Its his fault. Damn those monkey babies! Yeah Andy if I were you...I would lock your doors and bolt down your windows!) Sorry I had a moment, but now it is gone. But its strange and I keep having these weird cravings like me wanting cake? COME ON....ME wANT CAKE? Somethings wrong. Or my wanting CHOCOLATE? CHOCOLATE...I HATE CHOCOLATE! But now I want some.
Wow! That was weird. Anyways so let's see today was a rather boring day. I had to go to the video store...*sticks tongue out* it wasnt that fun. AND TOMORROW I HAVE TO GO BACK!! Anyways, there I did a whole lot of nothing because it was sooo slow. But oh wells, I get paid so I shall be happy. HAHAHA yeah right.
So now I am sitting here talking with Mandi and just got through eating my piece of cake for the day. *makes mouth water* It was so yummified! Well thats all for tonight kids. Im going to bed early and getting me some sleep because I am need of it desperately. So goodnight.