Aug 03, 2004 18:37
ad I n f o r m a t i o n
01. Name: Keisha
02. Single or taken: Single
03. Sex: Female
04. Birthday: July 8
05. Sign: Cancer
06. Siblings: Michael, Jeremy, Brittany....and a few others that I adopted in the family.
07. Hair color: Blonde
08. Eye color: blue/green....depends on the day.
09. Height: 5'1....cant help it that I am short!
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
01. Who are your best friends?: Their more like my family...Amanda, Amanda, Amanda, and Mandi.
02. You have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Well it does say that I am single up there so no I dont.
F a s h i o n | s t u f f
01. Where is your favorite place to shop: Um...thats really hard to answer, I shop just about anywhere.
02. Any tattoos or piercings: I have a tattoo of fairy, and I have my nose, belly button, tongue and my ears pierced.
S p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs?: no
02. What kind of shampoo do you use?: The shampoo in my bathroom.
03. What are you most scared of?: being alone
04. What are you listening to right now? nothing
05. Who is the last person that called you?: um...I havent really talked to anybody on the phone today so I dont remember.
06. Where do you want to get married?: Outside in a garden.
07. How many buddies are online right now?: None, because I am not even online
F a v o r i t e s
01. Color: Black, pink, and red
02. Food: Mexican, chinese, and italian
03. Boys names: not sure..
04. Girls names: not sure.
05. Subjects in school: I am dork I know, but history. ITS EASY!
06. Animals: cats...sometimes a dog, but i have to be in a certain mood to get along with them.
H a v e | y o u | e v e r
01. Given anyone a bath?: my nephew
2. Smoked?: maybe
03. Bungee jumped?: nope and dont plan on it. Just a tad bit scared of heights!
04. Made yourself throw up?: nope, I have tried.
05. Skinny dipped?: maybe
06: Ever been in love?: maybe
07. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yes
08. Pictured your crush naked?: um..I dont really have a crush. so therefor no.
09. Actually seen your crush naked?: nope
10. Cried when someone died?: Yep and were not going there
11. Lied: yes
12. Fallen for you best friend? yes...
13. Been rejected? yes
14. Rejected someone?: yes
15. Used someone?: nope
16. Done something you regret?: once so far.
C u r r e n t
01. Clothes: comfy clothes
02. Music: nothing
03. Make-up: Not right now.
04. Annoyance: I am annoyed by so many damned people right now...and most of them live with me!!!
05. Smell: Hot sauce
06. Desktop picture: A fairy
07. Book you're reading: Seduced By Moonlight. I have already before but I am still waiting for the next book to come out in Sept.
08. Cd in player: dont know
09. Dvd in player: Well it was Girl With the Pearl Earring
L a s t | p e r s o n
01. You touched: Brendan, my little nephew
02. Hugged: no one. I dont even remember the last time I ever got a hug.
03. You msn-ed: Mandi
04. You yelled at: I cant remember
05. You kissed: no one
A r e | y o u
01. Understanding: I try to be most of the time
02. Open-minded: most of the time
3. Arrogant: i dont think so
04. Insecure: rarely
05. Interesting: Nope not at all.
06. Random: Depends
07. Hungry: Not at the moment
08. Smart: depends on who Im talking to
09. Moody: right now I am
10. Hmm... what?
11. Organized: yep
12. Shy: Just aLOT!!!
13. Difficult: Sometimes when people are trying to get me to tell them whats wrong. its just a little hard for me.
14. Attractive: Depends
15. Bored easily: yeah
16. Responsible: yeah
17. Obsessed: Nope
18. Angry: At the moment...Nope
19. Sad: Kind of.
20. Happy: No not really
21. Hyper: HAHAHA....
22. Trusting: Yep
23. Legal?:
W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | to
Kill?: I cant really say names, but her, her, her, oh and her!
Slap: My sister more than likely
Get really wasted with? No one.
Get high with: no one
Talk to offline:
Talk to online:
Sex it up with: HEHEHEHEH....No names!
R a n d o m
01. In the morning i am: Just getting to sleep
03. Love is:
04. I dream about: People chasing me and trying to kill me because I know something and they are all just too weird!
05. Sexual preference: Wouldnt you like to know?
W h i c h | i s | b e t t e r
01. Coke or pepsi: Coke
02. Flowers or candy: Flowers
03. Tall or short: Depends...I am short so if I am looking for someone I would rather them not be too tall.
O p p o s i t e | s e x
01. What do you notice first: Them
02. Makes you laugh the most: Him
03. Makes you smile: Him
04. Gives you a funny feeling when you see him/her: Him
05. Who do you have a crush on: Him
D o | y o u | e v e r
01. Sit on the internet waiting for that special someone to get on? nope.
02. Save conversations: yes
03. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: Sometimes...
04. Wish you were younger: nope
05. Cried because someone said something to you?: Yep
N u m b e r
01. Of times I have had my heart broken: One to many.
02. Of hearts I have broken: I hope none
03. Of guys ive kissed: um....
04. Of girls ive kissed: um....
05. Of cds i own: Not a whole lot.
06. Of scars on my body: I dont really have any.
07. Of things that i regret: one
Y o u r | t h o u g h t s
01. I know: that I am trying to be better.
02. I want: to be happy and see those around happy as well.
03. I have: stuff....?
04. I wish: that I could be more open about my feelings.
05. I hate: how people dont give a damn about how others might feel so they say shit and its makes them feel even more hurt.
06. I fear: being alone forever. That I dont really have friends, and pretty soon I will wake up from this dream.
07. I hear: my bitchy sister
08. I search: for answers that I need
09. I wonder: about everything
10. I love: everyone that I meet.