May 08, 2005 13:24
My sister and I have been going to the lake everyday which is enjoyable. The other day Robert came with us, and it got really windy and and looked really stormy. It was so crazy, it felt like we were in the ocean. These waves were crashing against the rocks and it was so choppy and really hard to swim. Then this rescue helicopter was like flying right above us which really freaked me out and there were all these police boats, so we got out. But later we were walking through these woods and this park ranger told us that a boat hit someone and they can't find him.
I've been attracting a lot of psychopaths lately, I'm not sure what that's all about. Like the first one was about two weeks ago, I was walking downtown and this man was standing on the corner and started screaming at me hardcore "ALL THESE MEN KEEP LOOKIN' AND DROOLIN' OVER YOU BUT NOT ME, NOT ME, I GOT A WOMAN I DON'T NEED NO WHITE WOMAN!" Okay, so then a few days later I was walking and this like drunk frat guy said "fucking bitch" when he passed me, so that was also kind of awkward.
Then a few days after that Robert and I were driving through a shopping center and he stopped at the crosswalk to let this girl cross, she looked like my age or around there and she didn't look that abnormal. But, then she started walking really slow and staring at me like she had never been more pissed off in her life and wanted to kill me then she started mouthing words to me, but I couldn't tell what they were. And I was like "well this is highly uncomfortable."
Okay, and last but not least, a couple of days ago I was at a crosswalk with Robert and we were waiting for a car to pass before we went and the car happened to be my mom and sister so they pulled over to the side and we sad hi for a minute and only 1 car came up behind her and they just went around. So anyway my sister and mom drove off and we walked over to robert's car and then this man who was a huge muscle head except he was my height, goes "Next time watch where you stand you fucking inconsiderate assholes." I started laughing and Robert said "Whoa watch your language, and calm down, your going to give yourself a heart attack." and the guy turned around and was like "Uhhhggg!" hahahah, it was weird. And then later we saw him going in to Hallmark which was awesome.
Peace out
P.S. go see "Kung Fu Hustle" and "Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy"