Sep 21, 2004 11:05
Oops, been a while. I promised myself I'd keep up with this more often. So here we go.
I've been studying a lot. I really want this semester to be my first (and last) 4.0. At the same time I don't know what I'll do after I get outta here in December. Scary thoughts run thru my mind of traffic jams, sitting at a desk all day looking at a fax machine, and turning into my old english teacher who listens to the Sound of Music Soundtrack in her car on repeat. I have 2 months to turn in a teaching application if I want to do that. Stress is not good for me.
So about this stress, I am trying to get in some exercise to relieve it. I still can't do too much or the doc gets mad, but I've been cheating. I run around the arena and in Spence during class. I took Bucky running with me and she ran circles around me. That really sucked. I turned in my doctor's note to the Kines prof, and she seems okay that I still want to participate. I sneak away without doing the sit ups, though. Bleh, I can't do situps to save my life. Too awkward.
Went to the football game to watch us beat the hell outta clemson. It was pretty good. 50 yard line 3rd deck. I forget how that is really a walk and realized how much 1st deck spoils one who used to have to trek those ramps crowded with freshmen without deodorant. It was also more spacey up there. It was a good time all in all.
I've got the itch reallllllll bad to go home for the weekend and dig for arrowheads. Especially in my indians class. I just want the weather to be perfect (80's, windy, overcast) and the dumb donkey to be tied up so I don't get killed, and I will be on my merry way. yesssssss. I'm working on starting up a website on them so I can put pictures up and stuff. I'm such a nerd.
I love not working! Every weekend I've been able to do something like go to Houston, go to Irving, and go home. It's a great freedom. I also found I don't study as much as I could be considering I have all the time in the world except during classes. We've been bowling, roadtripping, playing at hobby lobby, etc. either way, I'm free.
October 2nd we're going to the RenFest with Flip, Liz and Mario, and Anda, and who knows. It's probably going to be crowded, but tickets are cheaper early on and I can already taste a nice pretzel.
I've noticed something lately. I like to observe people cause I guess that's what sociology majors do (if only we got paid for it, it could be a job). Guys, though they seem a lot more desperate to find girls, have a good head on their shoulders on the type of girls they're looking for (besides the overly perved ones, and even then some have this quality). For example - lately I've watched guys: pass up girls who smoke, because they think thats gross, they don't want to deal with it; or a guy in my kines, pass up girls who they might have liked and found out they drink weds-sunday, and he politely backed away and started talking to another girl.
This makes me proud because girls don't seem to care. Or girls think they can change a guy. Smoking seems to be an easy example. If a girl doesnt' mind a guy smoking, then she's fine. But the girls who are like "I can make him stop", get real ladies. Or a guy might be oh-so-hawt and play video games all day. Girls who hate video games will run after him and then complain he doesn't spend enough time with her. Then the girl starts to bitch and whine, blah blah, when she can go find a guy who fits her. Rah, I suppose this is just a rant over the fish and sophomores I see in PE.