The Devil's Whore Finale

Dec 12, 2008 00:08

My mostly incoherent thoughts (in chronological order):

(4:30 - 4:47)
If she screws Cromwell I'm going to fast-forward to any bits with Sexby

(11:59 - 12:10)
talk about your knights in shining armour. Christian's death? Gruesome but fair.

(13:57 -14:07)
Sexby preparing to leave, thinking that if he can't serve her by killing someone then there is no other reason for her to want him there *sniffles*

Proof that John Simm is a BRILLIANT actor. note: be prepared to see this sentence repeated Wordlessly he manages to express the depths of Sexby's love for Angelica as well as his shock and gratitude at finally having her willingly put herself in his arms.

(14:32-14:33) they're the perfect couple... they both see things :)

okay this whole scene with Angelica finally realizing she's been an idiot ("can you love a fool?") and Sexby being offered what he's always wanted. Brilliantly acted.

"You fillled it with unknown creatures, whose names were joy and hope, both sharper blades than any that had cut me before"

and that smile (16:02) before he reaches to show her the garter.... prepare to see it iconified.

and does anyone else love the eye/head-roll thing he does everytime he's overcome wth frustration by the stupidity of the people around him (or himself)

"can you love a fool?" ---> *eye/head-roll* well duh... did you not see the last three episodes?

"if you will take me?" ---> *eye/head-roll* Oh shit, I'm gonna say no just because I saw a ghost aren't I?

*affectionately slaps Sexby on the back of the head and then sharpens blades and hunts down script writers*

and continuing from that... the way his voice breaks when he says "I can't take Rainsborough's widow to me while his murderers still walk the earth"... heartbreaking and proof that John Simm is a BRILLIANT actor.

(17:50 - 18:10) what a way to rape freedom and democracy, bravo Cromwell *growls*

(19:34) *hugs John*

(20:22) "Only madman oppose us now I pay you be not mad" *gulps* foreshadowing much?

note: at this point I believed that the show was going to follow history faithfully (See wikipedia: Edward Sexby)

(20:26 - 20:37) ok, splashing around in the shallow end here but isn't the man just GORGEOUS when he's all righteous and struting stalking about?

(24:52-24:57) Angelica shooting the devil made me grin

The whole scene with John.... I thought it was absolutely heartbreaking and horrible and originally I was watching it and waiting for Edward to go in a similar way (once again see history). But rewatching what happened to John with the knowledge of how Sexby died I'm not sure if I'm still upset that the writers altered history to have Sexby kill himself.

It's been said before but the whole cross-dressing flirting and teasing scene was brilliant :)
("I never thought I'd be turned so utterly" hee! "Mistress mine" awww)

The sex scene.... about bloody time...

p.s. expect icons of (37:53 - 38:00) as soon as I can stop myself rewatching it.

"Aye all must end in blood" while looking at Rainsbourough's ghost *shivers*

random thoughts during first watch: ok so he has morales, wants to rightfuly avenge rainsborough... all very well and good...but if he doesn't get a happy ending because he went after cromwell SOMEBODY is gonna be hurt. (all I'm sayin.)

(40:00 +) some beautifull cinematography in this scene with Sexby against the sunset.

(40:39-40:48) they finally use eachothers firstnames! This was where I started getting teary.

more random thoughts during first watch: If I want a happy ending I'm gonna have to stop watching here aren't I?  *is bummed*

as soon as I saw this scene I knew feather-cap guy was going to do something that would make me want to hurt him.

'lo and behold (45:24)

thoughts on first watch:
46:57 uh... Edward gun's meant to go the other way round, hun....what are you...
46:59 OH HOLY....
47:05 ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *pause* wikipedia lied *sob*

and for more proof that John Simm is an AMAZING actor just watch his face during that entire scene... the tremours that show Edwards fear, the determination, the despair... :(

The scene with Angelica on the beach was heartbreaking... and no the fact Sexby gave her a daughter does NOT make me forgive the script writers one bit.

(I mean if they were going to change his death so much from the true history why not give him a happy ending?)

and that's it.

If you've managed to make it this far... name a scene (preferrably Sexby related) and you'll have an animated or still icon (your choice) as soon as I get a chance to make it.

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