Here's A Change

Nov 28, 2008 20:25

Well fortunately, my aunt decided to give me a new digital camera so now I promised to myself to take pictures anything that is relevant to me, besides my livejournal account desperately need to have some pictures.

To begin with:
I watched Twilight in Rockwell last Wed together with my officemates. Well, the movie was OK at most, not that surprised nor disappointed. At least now I can put faces to the names of Edward and Bella every time I read the book.

Here's the ticket I bought. :)

And here's the picture I took at the ticket stand.

By the way I saw Simon Atkins at Olivers just when we are leaving the cinema. So cute! I took a picture of him but he's too far away and I was dark so I erased it. But now I regret I deleted his picture. Haaay.

I bought also a new bag from Esprit. I love it. For one, its black so its not madumihin, second, its big and all of my things fit inside it. But the material is kinda thin compared to my other bags and my stuff inside is all magulo and all since its big nga.

Lastly, I bought my reading glasses already. Yes, my eyesight is not perfect anymore. Crap. So I went to Sarabia and bought these new Levi's glasses. And the doctor was so polite and the case was nice. The material for the case was jeans. Cool.

So now I look like a hot geek. Emphasis on the HOT. My co-workers tell me I look more lesbo than before. Hahaha! Go figure.
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