A Few Things...

Jun 22, 2011 11:11

Sorry, this is going to be another text post, I know :(
Anyway, I have a few announcements.
First off, I promise that I'm working on that Paramore mood theme, as well as a new layout. My internet/phone provider recently got changed to some new company, and of course that meant screwing with everything, so my internet has been a bit on the janky side lately.

Secondly, how do you guys feel about me making screencaps?. I don't mind making them, but I want to know that they are actually being used because obviously, there would be no point in me making them if no one is using them. And by no one, I mean less than 10 people.

Thirdly, I got accepted as an 'elite' maker at stylesheet, so I will be posting there in addition, to here. I've been thinking about cutting down my posts at mintyapple a bit, just because you have to post the entire entry there, and I have a hard time keeping track of everyone's questions that they post in the entry. And if I see them, I don't see them for months before I respond, and chances are they've already installed a different layout, so I'm anticipating eliminating those posts, but that won't affect you all because you all watch this comm.

Lastly, check this out! If you are interested, I suggest signing up, or just watch the comm and vote for your favorite remixed layouts!

That is all :)
♥ Alexis Nicole

P.S.; I'll have that layout up by the end of the day.

comm: moderator

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