I don't even make graphics anymore, as many of you know but baack when I did I apparently made some textures. I rediscovered my deviantart account that I haven't used in years, but I just thought I'd post these 2 texture sets I made way back when in case anyone might want to use them.
Set 1 &
Set 2. There also so more recently made textures in this box folder:
more textures In more update news, I recently updated the
resource list because I'm working a new community layout that I'm really excited about. Hopefully it will be up soon, but I have 2 finals on monday that i should be studying for so during "study breaks" i'll be working on the new layout. I've also got a new layout to share in the works but that probably won't get put up until later next week. This is my last week of school, so hopefully in about a week or so I'll be able to start updating more regularly.
I'm sure I've updated the
music folder recently too. I can't really remember but people are constantly downloading files from it so its obviously making some people happy. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their weekends!
Also, for you graphic makers out there, check out
this website. I actually just downloaded a bunch of her textures that I might use in the new community layout, but she has a lot of great textures, and brushes and what not there so I would take advantage of that. Her work is really good.
Alexis Nicole