and it feels so good.

Sep 12, 2010 01:56

I'm back for good now, however my posts will still be few and far between. This semester has already kicked off to a rapid start, and I've piled my plate with tons of extracurricular activities that I hardly have time to even update my journal. So, I will post at least once a month, but hopefully I can post a little more often than that.

I've taken a lot of your thoughts and opinions into mind with this most recent layout, and I think that it turned out wonderfully. I hope that I can only improve from here on out. I know centerfolds wasn't the greatest layout, but it was better than I thought it would turn out.

Anyway, I hope you guys are all doing well, and I'm surprised happy you guys stuck around here while I was gone, and I hope to keep you here with all my new updates coming soon.

And I'd like to thank riotguns at invicted for our new community layout. she makes some pretty amazing layouts if you didn't know that, you should definitely watch that comm if you aren't already. I was getting a bit tired of the old community layout, it was just sooo in your face and I grew kind of sick of it. I'm really enjoying the simplicity of the new layout. And I was also too lazy to make another layout on top of the one I just made. Even though the one I made was originally intended for this comm, but I just couldn't find a way to make it work. :/

This will probably be a shot in the dark, but does anyone know where I can get Photoshop 7.0 for Mac? I love mac's, but I didn't realize how inconvenient it would be to find all the programs and products I used on my PC. I figure since photoshop 7.0 is ancient, that I won't be able to find it. So I will settle for Photoshop CS5. I need the full version though, I'm running on the trial right now, but I don't have much time with it. Even if anyone has a serial number that I can use or knows of an serial generators for mac that would be super helpful.

♥ AN

Oh, quick poll -- How does everyone feel about the "repost" options we now have for our comments and journal posts that allows us to repost comments to facebook or twitter? I have a code to disable them, so if you guys want me to keep disabling them in my layouts I would be happy to. I honestly think its a stupid idea, and I don't like that all these social networking sites are now merging into each other, so I personally don't like it, but if you guys do/don't let me know.


comm: poll, comm: moderator

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