Limited activity

Jul 15, 2010 21:45

Just to let everyone know, school starts in about a month for me, and I really need to focus on my studies, as well as find a job and partake in various college activities. I don't want to walk away from this place just yet, but I also don't want to say that you'll hear from me often, because you won't. And I think for that matter my activity around LJ will be lessened just the same. I also am saying this because I still haven't gotten my laptop fixed, which is the screen I can work best with when it comes to making layouts. So I am basically writing this entry to "extend" my indefinite hiatus to a more defined level of "I'm basically going to be too busy to make layouts." So, once again I thank you all for your continued support, and I really hope to come back to this place eventually.

Alexis Nicole

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