I had a pretty crazy tarot reading last night.
Not crazy in a bad way, but crazy in the gave-me-goosebumps way.
Basically, I've been feeling a bit at a crossroads with my writing lately. It's been hard to focus on any one project, and the result has been me just flitting from project to project with no real deadlines or goals in mind. And honestly? That needs to change. I need to get my head back in the game and my butt in gear and start giving myself deadlines again.
I need direction and focus, and last night, a tarot reading helped give me a starting point.
For the longest time, I've been separating my two loves: fantasy and young adult. Yes, I know young adult fantasy exists, but in a very unprofessional/bad move on my part, I've been listening to the voices that say young adult high fantasy isn't popular and urban fantasy is a dead genre that no one likes anymore.
But even if those things are true, SO WHAT.
So what if young adult high fantasy isn't as popular as paranormal young adult romance or contemporary young adult?
So what if urban fantasy isn't the current hot-as-shit genre right now the way contemporary romance is?
I enjoy writing fantasy, both high and urban, and I enjoy writing young adult.
I need to go back to writing what I love and stop trying to force other things to happen. I need to stop listening to the negative voices (both mine and those of other writers "looking out for my best interest").
The reading left me very inspired and motivated and just overall happy with what's on plate, writing-wise. I tell you, more and more I am believing in the power of tarot. That insight it just unlike anything I've ever experienced.
So, moving forward, here's what's in the works:
July 2014
- Chameleon - SciFi/Cyberpunk YA short story
- Huntress - Upper YA/NA urban fantasy
Autumn 2014 and beyond
- Huntress
- Virtual - follow up short story (or novella) to Chameleon
- Colibri - (tentative title) a young adult high fantasy (NaNoWriMo project)
- Unbreakable (Everwinter 2) - sequel to Untouchable. Yes, I've decided to move ahead with this series, though not quite in the original direction I had imagined. Still, I'm excited about the new direction and new possibilities available.