Vamps autograph signing

Aug 01, 2009 14:12

Three hours in the heat surrounded by fangirls (nice or obnoxious) I get in, and buy a CD.
I was filmed three times so far. I wonder if I will get cut out.

Kaz takes the CD from the crew guy and signs it without looking at me. I think, "oh, they aren't looking at people today...okay." He passes it to HYDE and looks right into my face and smiles. I say, "Thank you so much, it's a pleasure to meet you." Shakes his hand.
"Thank UU." He smiles again.
Such soft hands, such a bigger guy than I expected.
While this was going on HYDE was signing my CD. He looked up and smiled, opened his mouth, held out his hand. I shook it and cut him off, "Thank you so much, it is a pleasure to meet you." Nice smile on my face, not too much.
He seemed to take a breath and squared up a bit in the shoulder, "Ohhh, Zann-kyu, too." His hands are even softer.

I go back in three hours exactly to stand in line for the show - I have a SEAT - upstairs. They will be selling shirts, but I don't know if I'll get one. I will upload a picture of the autographed CD later - With my Concert report!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HYDE's hair was high, henna'd, and boufant looking. He wore a white tank, no sunglasses. He eyes are so huge. His skin is so pretty!! KAZ has big eyes too. I don't even remember what he was wearing.
HYDE's pecs were booming through the tank.

So quick, but so memorable. It was my first real smile all week.
Now I have to eat (for the first time today) and hydrate myself.
Afterall, I will be filmed tonight I just know it - for the DVD lIve in the USA = FINALE

vamps concert live in the usa

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