phrenk Title: Close Company
Pairing: Asuka/Shuntaro (Lucky Seven), with some actresses and Arashi mixed in
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Asuka has some feelings to figure out and a case at a ski resort with Shuntaro only complicates things further.
A/N: I hope you like this,
literarylemming! Thanks to 1 and 2 for their kind assistance.
Close Company, part two )
I actually read this in the middle of a lecture which was a terrible mistake. People around me probably thought I was high, or drunk, because I kept having to stop myself from flailing and rolling around and just out right laughing out loud and squealing at some parts (notably - Shuntarou over-acting when playing a role, Nino and Yuriko talking about people's sex lives, Asuka's talk with Maki in the onsen - and noticing all her hickey's, Shuntarou dropping hints about the girl he likes, the moment in the receptionist office before they get caught, Shuntarou being dense as a rock in general, and really I could just quote the entire fic).
All the characters are so spot on, I really could imagine Asuka and Shuntarou pulling the faces and saying the lines you described and this goes for the entire cast. And I absolutely love how you managed to fit Arashi in along with their respective girls (and I giggled a bit at both Jun and Riisa being there). As I was reading I was just imagining the events playing out like an actual drama episode in my mind. And despite this being a Shuntarou x Asuka fic you still managed to fit in Shuntarou x Nitta bromance which is just amazing because obviously you can't have Lucky Seven without that - and Junpei being tease and bullied and Kayano's weirdness. I pretty much figured out the whole 'case' was probably a set up almost right away but I actually didn't suspect anything with Kayano's phon ecall, I thought she was just being weird until I re-read the fic again (because I did read it again right after getting home - and this time I had all the freedom to laugh and grin like a maniac throughout :D).
Really, thank you SO much for writing this. I will be re-reading this forever and ever because I truly adore this to bits and pieces.
Hee, oh no! In the middle of a lecture! It makes me happy that you had such good reactions, though, and thanks for giving me some specific examples. ♥
I'm so glad the characterization worked for you, and I am not at all surprised that you weren't deceived by the case, ahaha. Suspense is not my strong point. :D I'm glad you liked it despite that!
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! ♥
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