Rules for the "Twist" Fics!

Mar 21, 2009 12:01

Hey, everyone! Here's round two~

This was thought of as a way to give back to the person that's written the fic you received for the exchange. Say you really liked the fic you got and you want to repay the person who gave it to you, this is a way to do it! For the most part, there aren't really any rules because we're still shaky as to how to operate this, but here's just some things to keep in mind.

1. We're calling these "twist" fics, but only because we have no idea what to really technically call them. XD They can be anything really, as long as it connects back to the fic that you received! :D A remix, a sequel, a missing scene. Whatever! The only thing that is necessary is that it's connected back to the received fic.
+ Regarding remix fics (taken from jentfic_remix)
Have you ever read a story and thought, "You know, if I'd written that, I'd have [made it darker/lighter, shorter/longer, from a different POV, in a different tense, made the pacing faster/slower, structured it differently, told it in flashbacks, etc.]"? That's what remixing's all about. The idea is to write the story as you would have written it, in your own style; the only things that must remain the same as the original story are:

* The plot. Remixing isn't a about "fixing" a story when you're unhappy with the ending or with a major plot point; it's about different ways of telling a story, and sometimes even about how different viewpoints can change the meaning of events.

* The pairing/characters the story is happening to, because it really wouldn't be the same story if that were changed. If the original story has Pi and Jin caught in the act by Kame, then the remix has to have Pi and Jin caught in the act by Kame; however, if you want to tell the story in flashback form, as Kame relates events to someone else that night...go for it. Also, it doesn't have to have the same level of smut as the original. For instance, if the original had fade-to-black sex, you're welcome to be as graphic as you'd like (or vice versa).

* The setting and timeframe. If the story takes place during the Countdown then that's where it needs to stay. If those details are indeterminate in the story, you can place it when and where you like, so long as it doesn't violate the "no changing plot or pairing/characters" edict.
+ Remixing isn't the only option! Maybe you'd like to write a sequel to your story or a scene that you would've loved to have seen in the middle of your fic. There are plenty of options. :D

2. The length is of no issue. Considering that this is optional (and because there's no time, really), we're being very free about it. So you can write anything from 100 words to ...well, I don't know what the longest anyone could write, but who knows. AKA, the sky's the limit and the bottom's pretty much pitless. Or something like that if that example doesn't work, ahaha.

3. We would like you guys to email your fics to us at the usual email, so that we'll post them up for you guys, but since people know who they wrote for, lol, there's really no need to go anon.

4. Just have fun! Again, this is optional, but it may be a nice way to give fic back to your writer. ♥♥

Fics will be due April 8th and the fics will go up steadily (we don't know how much we're even going to get so how long posting will last is still up in the air) after April 14. If you think you're going to participate or if you even think you want to participate, do comment here! We just want a ballpark number to see how this could possibly go. Also if you have any questions, either comment here or email us! :D We'll be more than happy to help with any confusion. Especially as we're making this up as we go. Yay~

**mod post, **faq

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