Here's the best part (okay, not really--best part is when fics start to go up) of fic exchanges!! Actually signing up. ♥♥♥ Make sure that before you sign up that you read our
FAQ first! Any questions that you could possibly have may actually be addressed already. (Also, if you have any questions, make sure to address it there!)
Here you go! Again, straight out of
je_holiday because we are brainless and theirs is just A+. ...We use that excuse a lot, don't we? XD Make sure to note if you would like your fic to be strictly het or if you're okay with a splashing of slash. Just in cases. :D
LJ Name:Fic Journal/Archive (optional):Email:Pairings/Groups/Females You'd Like to Write:Pairings/Groups/Females You'd Like to Receive:What would you like to see in your fic? (Situations/kinks/genres):What would you NOT LIKE to see in your fic (Situations/kinks/genres):Rating Preference in writing and receiving:Could You Pinch Hit?:Could You Beta Read?:Anything else?: Sign-ups are up until the January 14th, okay? So make sure to get in your form on time if you'd like to participate! Also, spread the word! We'd love to get as many people as we possibly can. ♥
(P.S. Before I forget, it is okay to request for drama fic as well. :D But make sure that there's some RP (real people) in there too so that there are options. ♥)
Edit: (January 12) If at all possible, we'd really like it if people wouldn't edit from this point on. :D Pleasepleaseplease keep this in mind if you're signing up. Make sure you have EVERYTHING you want down before you submit your form. :D