1. A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy: “Every man had his own quirks and twists” (Harriet Beecher Stowe). 2. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate. 3. A sudden sharp turn or twist. 4. An equivocation; a quibble. 5. Architecture. A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.
lol so were basically spontanuose and you never know whats gonna happen next b/c it could go one way but then it'll all of a sudden take a sharp twist in the other way. yeah that actually sounds like us =P
2. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary: a quirk of fate.
3. A sudden sharp turn or twist.
4. An equivocation; a quibble.
5. Architecture. A lengthwise groove on a molding between the convex upper part and the soffit.
Take your pick lol.
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