things of interest

Apr 24, 2010 21:44

1.) i rode my bike nearly 180 miles this past weekend in the ms150.
2.) my knee is kind of upset about #1.
3.) i accidentally cut my hair way too short. i was concerned about it making me look too aggressive to strangers until the other night at target i asked an employee if they had any chocolate syrup and then called him a "life-saver" when he showed me where it was. saying goofy shit negates my bad hair cut.
4.) vera is 22 days away from giving birth to our baby. shit is b-a-n-a-n-a-s.
5.) we are both totally stoked about #4.
6.) my band is recording a demo tomorrow. i hope it goes well.
7.) i bought a new bike. it's a metallic silver surly pacer.
8.) nic fox had a dream about me wherein i had viking runes tattooed on my hands and i was riding a bike called odin.
9.) i am cooler in nic fox's dreams than in real life. i named my bike odin to be a little more like dream me.
10.) work is getting monotonous. it's getting harder to care about.
11.) see #5.
12.) asian groceries are the good kind.
13.) sometimes vera dreams about selling her old cat for meat.
14.) i am selling walter.
15.) please buy walter.
16.) our dog chews on sticks and then later pukes up the lit bits of wood he accidentally swallows. what a dummy.
17.) people keep telling me i'm going to be a great dad, but if my kid doesn't automatically love bikes, i don't know you guys...
18.) just kidding about #17.
19.) my mum has started text messaging me. usually it's her test scores from nursing school.
20.) my mum isn't very good at typing on her phone. it takes a while to decipher some of her messages.
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