ever since we got back from our honeymoon i've been spending less time on the internet. and since i got a second job a few weeks back, i've only spent two or three hours on the internet per week. i don't miss it much, but i can't say i've been more productive as a result. maybe i'll keep an hourly journal in one of my unused moleskins of what i do each day for a couple weeks or a month just to see where my time goes.
today when i got home from work, we took the asa for a walk down to the creek. it rained all day yesterday so there was tons of fresh water flowing through our favorite swim spot. we played fetch and asa swam around in the water while v and i hunted for cool rocks. it was a good way to unwind after a busy day at work.
one of v's cousins that lives in town is getting a bunch of lapidary equipment from their grandfather. we helped move the first of it from houston to austin last weekend. once it all makes it's way here we're going to teach ourselves how to lapidary. maybe some of the rocks i found at the creek today would make nice plugs for my ears.
there's a gas station a few blocks away from my baking job that has the biggest beer selection i've ever seen. it is intimidating. i picked out the first six pack that caught my eyes. with it's communist propaganda inspired label, i thought to myself, "how could i go wrong?"
not too shabby,
rogue. not quite as good as the
(512) pecan porter, but it's up there.