Apr 20, 2006 18:51
do i really sound angry and sarcastic on livejournal? i will indeed accept if i do, but i dont want to sound that way. really im not much of a writer, maybe thats why. you guys are all awesome adn i love reading you ljs, even if it does make me a bit sad sometimes. but i would be even sadder otherwise, cuz i would have no idea whats going on with yall. so yeah, lets just drop this subject and leave it that i am totally looking forward to seeing all of you and making friends with those of you who im not grand friends with now. whoot whoot!
yesterday was a hairy day. meg came over after school adn i dyed her hair brown with bright red highlights. i was freaking otu a bit cuz id never dyed anyones hair before. but i did an okay job i think, although it doesnt look that great cuz the dye was wierd. ive been contemplating doing temporary highlights in my hair...hmmm. and then meg cut my hair, and i only wanted a few inches cut off because it was really long and i liked it long, but meg cut a damn lot off, so now its a bit above my shoulders. ca va. it doesnt look horrible or anything. my bangs on teh other hand... cut those myself, and they are waaaay to short. they look awful. oh well. im sure my hair isnt the most interesting thing in the world... or is it? haha. well must be off to czech lessons now as i have five minutes til they start. hope the tone of this entry was a titch nicer. i did indeed try!