boooogally hoogallly

Sep 21, 2005 15:04

heroh heroh

lets go back to monday. school was boooring. i dont remember what i did. rotary meeting on tuesday night. not much fun. the people from Tabors sister club in annapolis came, and they were so damn rotary like. rotarians are boring rich people, generally. we had a fancy big ass good dinner. i tried on laurens polka dotted high heels and just about fell over. i cant walk in high heels. we were also trying to figure out how george washington died, because megs teacher asked her that, and she didnt know. i said it was because he had wooden teeth. maybe he got splinters in his throat, and then he couldnt eat and then he died. idk. anybody know_ and afterwards i took the bus home, and i was kinda scared because i was jsut sitting at the bus stop and it was dark and i ddint know when the bus was coming. but caaa vaaa. it was alright. and then tuesday...hmmm. well i didnt have school until 940, because some of my class has lab chemistry and physics in the morning, but i take biology so i dont have to go. yay. school was highly unremarkable. after school i met frankie, meg, adn lauren in the square and we went to a restaurant. i got potato wedges and ice cream adn soda all for a grand total of five dollars. i guess taht isnt allll taht cheap by czech standards. but it was damn good. and then i went to a bookstore afterwards with frankie and meg, nad i bought "a series of unfortunate events" the second book, in czech, so taht i can work on the tedious task of translating the book into english. ack. idk if i can do it. maybe ill just save it til i know more czech. oh the meeting on monday, frankies czech teacher was there, who speaks very good english, and we asked her about tutoring or czech classes. so hopefully something will come out of that. i suuure hope so. and then after the bookstore i went to the main bus station to get a bus home. and getting a bus at the bus station is like getting a bus on the square, because you actually have to think about which bus your getting on and its destination and whatnot. so me being all idiotic, got on the right bus, but it was going to wrong direction. so i didnt get home til purty late. like 615. ackers. didnt do anything last night. i practiced. yay. and then today i didnt have gym, because i guess our gym teacher is like gone all week or something, so i didnt have first period. and i got to school late and didnt know where my calss was exactly (i had a rough idea) so i decided just not to go. so i went to the little cafe in our school and read. ooooh i just finished a killer romance novel, Anna and the Duke. it was pretty decent, and pretty suspenseful. so anna is engaged to richard, who is like this rich bastard. and richards father, the duke, just died, so richards like yay im giong to be duke now! but nooooooo. his father had this other son, ewan, who is like a totally hot scottish guy and lives in some decripit castle in scotland. so hes the duke. and richard is tottaly pissed. so he tries to ruin ewan through various stupid things. and ewan and anna fall in love! scandalous. and then richard locks ewan in the cellar and is about to marry anna, but ewan unlocks his handcuffs with a fork and goes and saves anna and they go to scotland and get married. teh end. wow its awesome. im going to go play tennis going to suck. really bad. ack.
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