evergreen terrace.

Jul 18, 2003 11:20

soooo good.
so i got to the scene
and since were cooler than you
me and ashlee got in for free.
we were on the guest list suckas
i love you ashlee.

went to inn n out afterwards
always good times there.

question no. 1 of the night: why do cute boys have to sketchy sluts?
question no. 2 of the night: why do cute boys that arnt slutty have to live far away?

yeah, fuck that.

stayed at rachels
sleepovers are the best.

i love new people more than you
alysa is a manpeice
kristyn is veganxthis.cooler.than.you.cuz.shes.not.scene
and amanda... is beautiful.

o yeah...
im slowly becoming more and more disgusted by dairy and animal products in general...
i think as soon as i can friggin afford it
ill be going vegan.

i couldnt do it now tho.
id prolly have an emotional breakdown.
iv been so touchy about money issues lately
i mean, ill be living on my own in like four weeks.
and thats so scary.
im not ready...

i hate you for acting like im spoiled.
i hate you for not being financially stable enough to help me out.
i hate you for leaving me...

and furthermore:
in MY eyes, dressing well means wearing clothes that would look good on everyone, being skinny and cute does NOT mean that you dress well.
ALSO, me dressing shitty has NOTHING to do with my judgement on the way other people dress.
if they have loads of fucking.goddamed.money handed to them everyday then they SHOULD be able to be more creative then wearing stupid im.in.highschool.flower.shirts with white platform sandals.

positive thoughts for wednesday night:
twig and berries
"put a little more water on the rocks"
vanilla soymilk out of a straw
no boys named chris

negative thought for wednesday night:
if you ever fucking lie to my face again i will fucking kill you.
i swear to jesus christ even though im not a christian that i will rip your face open with my bare hands, shoot you, then shank your mutherfucking bulletwounds.
yes, this is a fucking warning.
for the occasion:
iv got an idea, you should get a tatoo that says warning. thats all, just a warning. so the potential victim can take a left and save breath and avoid you, sober and upset in the morning.

ok... thats about it.

o yeah.
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