Title: Senpai to junior - friend to lover. Chapter 1: 2003 Part 1
Pairing: Nishikido Ryo/ Yokoyama You; Shibutani Subaru/ Yasuda Shota; and many others during the next chapters
Rating: PG
Multi chapter in ~ 40 chapters
Genre: Romance, friendship, drama
Disclaimer: I don’t own the boys, but the story is mine. :D
Note: English is not my native language, so I'm sorry for mistakes
Summary: Ryo joins the agency and meets a strange guy there. He runs away till he recognizes that he isn't that bad at all. Subaru sees the blond haired guy rushing down the corridor and the only thought he has: Oh god, what's that.
Note 2: Thanks to
lilly0 for helping me with the title of the story
Chapter 1: 2003 Part 1