Title: Senpai to Junior, friend to lover
Pairing: Okada/Ryo, side-pairings: Miyake/Sakamoto, Pin
Rating: R
Genre: bit humor, tiny bit angst, romance
Disclaimer: I don't own them or anything else JE-related, but the story is mine of course^^
Summary/Request: Ryo is not a fanboy. Of course he isn't! No matter what Jin says! And Okada isn't interested in Ryo... not at all!! No matter what Miyake and his other band-mates say!
Requested by:
badbatazz Thanks for this request^^ It was fun writing it and I hope you will enjoy it too XD
HERE (cross-posted in
senpai_fanfics ,
wasurenaisa ,
je_sugar4spice )