nantoka naru sa~

Mar 24, 2009 02:09

Name: MayaRoza
Age: 14
Location: WA, USA

[All About You]
The general basics~
Describe your basic outlook on life: Sometimes it sucks... like, really bad, but there's a reason for everything. I think life is all about learning and however many lifetimes it takes, you'll learn everything there is to know. It's hard to explain.
What kind of style do you usually sport?: Jeans or cargo pants with a colorful shirt. Usually a sweater, too.
What kind of people do you like to associate with?: Happy people? All my friends are absolutely spaztastic and crazy. And most of them are major pervs. I love them ^_^
What is something about you that you are proud of?: I'm smart. And mature. And I usually have great grammar. Just not when it's 2 AM. XD
What is a something about you that you are ashamed of?: I procrastinate a lot. I rarely get anything important done.
What is your ultimate wish/dream/goal in life?: I want to learn Korean and Japanese and become an interpreter. And/or an actress. I think I have potential.
Describe some quirks about your personality: I'm a perv. I'm sarcastic, but in a funny way. I'm generally kind of weird.

[This or That?]
Try to only choose one option rather than say both~
Shy or Outgoing? : Shy.
Hyper or Calm? : Calm, usually.
Leader or Follower?: Follower.
Smarts or Looks?: Smarts.
Blunt or Sugarcoater?: Blunt.
Arrogant or Modest?: Arrogant.
Spotlight or Behind the scenes?: Spotlight!
Touchy or Keep-to-self?: Touchy.
Sing or Dance?: Sing!!
Spacey or Attentive?: Spacey.
Realist or Idealist?: Idealist.
Stingy or Generous?: Generous.
Gentle or Sarcastic?: Sarcastic.

[In your group, you would be...]
X all the options that apply :D
[x] the mother hen
[] the wacky dork
[] the tsukkomi
[] the boke
[x] the smart one
[] the hot one
[] the perfect one
[] the best performer
[x] the silent type
[] the popular one
[] the leader
[] the child
[] the organizer

[The Etcetera]
Last spurt!
What would be your theme song and why?: Nantoka Naru Sa by NEWS because sometimes everything sucks but I always know that there's a reason for it. It's all another lesson; a test. It'll all turn out alright in the end anyway.
What kind of Johnny's group would you want your group to be?: One where everyone is talkative and close with each other. Like Arashi!!
What would you be most interested in as a Johnny (concerts, dramas, varietys, etc.)?: Everything!
How would you interact with fans at a concert/fan meeting?: I would shake their hands and thank them for loving me. And maybe hug them ^^.
Go ahead and post some pictures if you'd like:

Any last comments?: My motto is "Like the word 'perfect', 'normal' should not truly exist, because what is normal? Is everyone normal? If something applies to everyone, then it becomes null, yes? It all comes down to perspective." It's long, but they're words to live by.

[Your Votes]
Please post the last 3 applications you voted on- they must be current!
1 || 2 || 3

basic: nakamaru yuichi

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