「Selling」《Beautiful World T-shirt & The Digitalian Logo Goodies》

Jul 31, 2018 15:04

Hi! I've "recreated" the designs of the Beautiful World T-shirt, but also The Digitalian logo in five colours for several goodies.

UPDATE. Blast In Hawaii Logo has been added! Check it out in the link below!

•Beautiful World T-shirt:: (Please notice that even if I tried my best, the page has limits on the design and also just the font design was added, even like that, I hope you like it) HERE

*•The Digitalian Blue Logo Goodies:: HERE

•The Digitalian Green Logo Goodies:: HERE

•The Digitalian Purple Logo Goodies:: HERE

•The Digitalian Red Logo Goodies:: HERE

**•The Digitalian Yellow Logo Goodies:: HERE

•Blast In Hawaii Logo:: HERE

*The links are redirected to the T-shirts, but if you scroll down until "Also available", just click on "+31 products" so you will see the goodies as stickers, pillows, phone/tablet cases, mugs, etc.

**This yellow version is only for white stuff (less the T-shirt because it really didn't suit the white background), but if someone wants a black version (the background in goodies) just request it and I will do it!

I will keep doing different Arashi logos (from concerts to CDs, singles, but only logos. If you have a request (example:: The Blast in Hawaii logo), be free to request it in the comments!

For any type of question, doubt or problem, don't doubt to write a comment or send me a DM. Enjoy!

collectibles, group: arashi, other/misc.

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