[Updated feb. 3rd] Selling shop photos and Arashi collectibles

Mar 03, 2018 16:14


I am still selling a lot of my Arashi shop photos along with other goods on my sales page on DW, and I have just recently updated the shop photos and added more than 15 new ones! ^^
I really have too much stuff, so I hope some of the items can find loving new homes somewhere.

In regards to the shop photos, I have kept them all in albums, so they are undamaged and as good as new. Each is 200 yen - 1.77 USD/1.47 EUR as many of them are relatively rare, and I ship from Denmark, worldwide. Shipping fee is not included in the price.

You can find photos and sales of other goods HERE on my DW sales account.
Please do not hesitate to PM me here or on DW in case you have any questions. And I am open to negotiations.
Thank you ^^

shop photos (official), collectibles, *location: europe, group: arashi, dvds, posters

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