Title: 10 Drabbles
Pairing: Marius/Sou, Fuma/Shori, FumaMari, Kento/Mari, FumaKen
Rating: PG-13, PG, G
Drabble (10 of them ^^)
ivenclaire Genre: romance, friendship, fluff, (plus there is one AU drabble in which Fuma and Marius are brothers)
Summary/Note: I took my inspiration from songs. This is like a game: You put your mp3 player on random and listen to ten songs, for each song you write a drabble. You only have time until the song is finished :-)
Drabble 1:
Marius/SouDrabble 2:
Fuma/ShoriDrabble 3:
Fuma/MariusDrabble 4:
Kento/MariusDrabble 5:
Fuma/MariusDrabble 6:
FumaKenDrabble 7:
FumaKenDrabble 8:
Fuma/MariusDrabble 9:
FumaKenDrabble 10: