...back to Jimmy's Almanac
Back to all the money I spent!
Well I really wanted to post some SAILING pictures but my camera batteries decided to conk out on me just as I was uploading. AAAARRRGGGHHH.
I took a bunch of pictures on Friday, and really? Why? I already had these pictures. And, since the light was fading, the colors are all washed out. I hate my digital camera. I hate that I can't get decent shots with it, no matter how I try. I am thinking I might go back to my film camera until I can swing the cash for a decent digicam. With my recent investments in home improvements and moving, that might be awhile. Priorities...sometimes I hate being a grown up, don't you?
Anyways... you ever have a place or an event where everytime you go or look or attend, you always end up taking pictures, even though you already HAVE the same identical pictures you took last time? That's what happens when I see this place. Out comes the camera and I am always taking the same shots. Sometimes I experiment with a new artsy composition. I got 2 new ones this time around:
I can't decide on my favorite picture. One of these two.
The round tower USED to be my bathroom. And
la_connaisance's bathroom. And
vespurrs' bathroom.
Not at the same time though, ha ha.
Now it's the 2nd story of the entryway and my cool purple bathroom is gone, gone, gone.
Take a step back...the point on the roof of the tower is gone too! Now it's a flattop.
The spot where, rumor had it, my ex-boyfriend proposed marriage to me one college weekend.
[I'll never tell.]
The window of what used to be my and
vespurrs' bedroom. Which actually used to be the study, complete with bricked-in fireplace, built in bookcases, and cool little cubby holes. Now it's an office.
The stained glass windows that went up the front staircase....There's a 4th window up there. Only visible from the outside, though.
On the National Historic Register, thanks to the sneakiness of an old friend. Now they cannot ever tear the old homestead down.
Bc of my crappy camera you cannot read the plaque without the flash, but the flash washes out the colors. The plaque is new but I remember standing on this spot in a cold night in December drinking champagne and splashing champagne on the wall here.
So many pictures taken from the front, even though... I almost never spent any time in the front!
All the action was in back -- back before there was a handicapped ramp. I took more pix in back, but they are trapped in my camera right now.
I took a picture of the attic window in back, but it's still on my camera. The attic windows are still dirty and streaked, which makes me happy. Bc if they renovated the attic, those windows would be cleaned.
Now all I need in this shot is a little red light bulb in that attic window.
Not all the anger is gone. it's still there. But I try and overlay it with beautiful memories. Otherwise I want to hit somebody. Or somebodies.
Bitterness is not easy to bear. Someday I will be able to let that go.
And when I do, I'll be able to do that scrapbook I have in mind.
Meanwhile, I'll just keep taking the same old pictures, over and over.