In 2003 I wrote an article on scrapbooking for the Pagan market. It was supposed to run in
PanGaia magazine back then, but the article got bumped. Well, I just got an email from my co-author [she wrote a definitions insert] saying they are laying it out now to appear in PanGaia's "Sacred Crafts" issue! And I just emailed her to tell her I have sample pages I created for the article and can I scan them for the magazine so they would be included.
I'm getting my article published!
Oh wouldn't you KNOW that they would come along wanting scans of certain scrapbook pages RIGHT WHEN I HAVE PUT EVERYTHING IN STORAGE!!! And my home computer isn't working [I can't even turn it on any more and don't know why; fixing it has not been a priority]. So now I have to go to the storage place, dig out the box with this album in it, find a scanner to use on a Mac [so that means no library or friends house, they are all PCs], etc. Like I have time for this.
But I will drop everything to get this done bc I want my pages in there. I don't want some CM, white-background, photos-cut-in-shapes, focal-point?-what's-that?, deco-scissors, sticker-sneeze, don't-know-how-to-use-patterned-paper, never-even-heard-of-Ali-Edwards scrapbook pages associated with my name in a national magazine. I know people -- and have some on my f-list -- who scrapbook like that and more power to you for getting your mameories scrapbooked and preserved in a way you like. I truly mean that. But I graduated from CKU and I just cannot have that associated with me and my style published in a national magazine. I just can't. I don't even use stickers in my scrapbooks and I think I have used those wavy edged scissors twice in my life bc I think they are ugly. It would be like me going out on a date with some hot guy wearing no make up and ugly shoes. Some women do that, but me? Um, no.
Anyway, I am excited.
I am also excited bc there is this whole snobbery associated in scrapbooking with "getting published." That is a shorthand for "my layout was chosen to appear in a scrapbooking magazine as a sample page." I actually was writing this whole long post about that issue and what it means, but it is so darn complicated and there are so many hidden layers of meaning that I gave up on it for now. There's this entire hierarchy of status within the scrapbooking world, and recently there was a huge WWIII drama on 2 peas about certain people calling themselves "designers" and creating an artificial hierarchy of snobbism with themselves at the top and the rest of us in the gutter worshipping them and wanting to be them bc somehow they are better than us.THEY are "professional scrapbookers" -- ie, more "real" -- and the rest of us are "amateurs" [and by implication, "not real"]. There is no accreditation within the scrapbooking world, except for "getting published" along with "being on a design team", "winning the Hall of Fame", "getting a book deal" etc.
I am excited because I am going to do an end run around that whole issue. I don't know how to explain it precisely, but the same issue exists in Paganism. There is no "outside accreditation" so everyone can call themselves whatever they want, and lots of people try and artifically inflate their own status so that what they say, do, believe is supposedly "more real" than the rest of the hoi polloi [who are called "wanna be"s]. There are all kinds of ways to inflate your status, but basically, me having a BA in religious studies [with a major in archaeology thrown in there too] does an end run around all that.
So that's kinda how this is too. I am sure it is one of my more obnoxious qualities, this glee I take in thumbing my nose at the "hierarchy" and telling them to KISS MY ASS bc no one is going to define me and tell me if I am "real" or not.
Anyway! I am happy my article is getting published! eeeeeeeeee!