SUMMARY of the Johnny's World

Oct 21, 2006 14:23

Name/Nickname: Tina
Age: 14

Likes: JDrama, NANA, Games (e.g. KH, FF...), Strawberries, Jpop, Japan, many Johnny's XD, my friends, dancing in circles (Because some Johnny's made me super happy)
Dislikes: German Music XD, teachers
Strong points: I cheer others very easily on and make them laugh. If I‘m in a dark mode, I‘m very peotic! XD And my honesty. I don‘t like to lie.
Weaker points: I‘m short-tempered and sometimes celf-centered. When I can‘t stand something I get really angry. And when I‘ve my own opinion I‘ll fight for it until the end, even if it‘s wrong.
Hobbies: Being with friends, laughing, eating straberries ♥ (yummy!!!!), fangirl, playing basketball or volleyball, listening to music, writing, dancing, singing, watching people being baka... lol
Talent: I'm good at writing and languages.
Describe your personality in three words: Childish, fun, random XD

Hot or Cold?: Hot.
Mature or Immature?: Very much both! ^^;;
Leader or Follower?: Leader.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: High energy with friends, medium/low with family and low with strangers.

FAVOURITE? (tell why if you can)
Favorite boy: Yamashita Tomohisa.
Favorite song: It changes very much. But for today it is Super Junior - U.
Favorite Johnny group: NEWS and KAT-TUN. Yeah, I like them both, so what?

How did you find this community?: Saw it on kattunlove
Who do you think you are most like and why?: Don't know. You should tell me! XD
Anything else?: Thank you for reading and your time! ^^ (Strawberries are LOVE!!!)

stamped, yamashita tomohisa

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