SUMMARY of the Johnny's World

Oct 20, 2006 21:44

Name/Nickname: Mindy / Min
Age: 15

Likes: music, television, playing on the computer, hanging out with friends, sleeping
Dislikes: spiders, insects, people who think they know it all, people who are smart but don't study
Strong points: I listen well when others talk, I'm there for my friends, I don't judge quicky, I help my friends when they need help even if they don't ask
Weaker points: I act before I think, I hit a lot of people because I am angered easily, and I'm very emotional
Hobbies: listening to music, watching dramas, tv shows, and movies, hangin/talking with/to friends, reading, playing on the computer, swimming
Talent: fluent in Cantonese?
Describe your personality in three words: quick-tempered, thoughtful, quiet

Hot or Cold?: cold
Mature or Immature?: immature
Leader or Follower?: follower
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: optimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level?: low energy level

FAVOURITE? (tell why if you can)
Favorite boy: Yamashita Tomohisa
1. He comes from being a srawny tanned boy to a handsome buff young man with a beautful smile. 
2. He's a wonderful actor, a talented artist, 
3. Did I mention he's the smex?
Favorite song: Kanjani8 - Heavenly Psycho
1. It has all eight members!!
2. Tacchon's solo line is my favorite line even before I knew it was him singing it
3. I love how Subaru and Ryo's voice sync at the end when they go "woahhh yeeeaaaaaa" 
4. I can listen to this song over and over again without getting tired of it
Favorite Johnny group: Kanjani8. 
1. love that Maru, Yasu, and Tacchon (Kanjimi3) play instruments during concerts and lives.
2. Yoko and Hina are hilarious and wonderful MCs
3. Subaru's voice is amazing
4. I love how Ryo was/is matched with Uchi xD
5. The group's MCs are hilarious and their concerts are full of energy. 
6. Sankyoudai and Yamada are hilarious. 
7. I love their songs as they are more rockish with a refreshing sound. 
8. Tacchon is also getting more attention as he is my favorite member.

How did you find this community?: Through the many x-posts.
Who do you think you are most like and why?: Nishikido Ryo. I have a "poisonious tongue" too, but not as mean as his. I say mean things without it meaning to be mean, I cannot to funny when expected to be funny, and I also get talkative whenever a friend is around.
Anything else?: I have not yet listened to SMAP nor pay attention to the kouhais. And I think I'm like Akanishi Jin too cuz I'm a baka.

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