SUMMARY of the Johnny's World

Oct 22, 2006 09:40

Name/Nickname: Molly (call me Caroline)
Age: 22

Likes: Reading, writing, watching jdramas or je clips, getting my work done, sunshine, going to the beach, hanging out with friends, goats, helping out others, zombie movies, drinking & parties
Dislikes: closed minded people, fan fiction, when people try to tell me how to feel, having too much work to do and not enough time to do it, people that complain a lot and don't do anything to fix it.
Strong points: Helping out others. Working hard. Good listener. Strong.
Weaker points: Easily distracted. Lazy when I don't have anything to do. Moody.
Hobbies: Reading (from sci-fi to Japanese lit.) writing, watching Jdramas and JE. Tanning.
Talent: Writing.
Describe your personality in three words: Creative. Moody. Random

Hot or Cold?: Hot.
Mature or Immature?: Mature.
Leader or Follower?: I usually hang back to see if anyone is going to step up, and if no one does, then I will. But if it's something that I want to do, then I step up as leader right away.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic
Low, medium, or high energy level?: High

FAVOURITE? (tell why if you can)
Favorite boy: Kamenashi Kazuya. I actually didn't like him that much in the begining, I was focused on YamaPi, but then due to watching so many Shuji to Akira clips, I started to see that Kame was special too. I love that he works hard, but has fun too. I love that he's become less 'stiff' and seems to be opening up. I love that he is always doing something and getting better. I love his smile, his funny faces, his cute voices. I love that he's probably an ass-hole off camera.
Favorite song: Six Senses - KAT-TUN
Favorite Johnny group:

How did you find this community?: johnnys_wo_ai
Who do you think you are most like and why?: I think I'm most like YamaPi. Maybe this is because YamaPi has influenced me a lot. But after reading all of his jwebs I feel that we have a lot in common. We're both effected by the weather, we both eat a lot (I even nick-named my tummy YamaPi-tummy). We both are very competative. We both work hard and aim high. We both want everyone to like us and are afraid that people really hate us. We're both random and weird. We both take things at face value. We're both simple minded. We both look around and see the bueaty in things.
Anything else?:Don't vote me YamaPi just cuz I think I'm like him. Vote whoever you think I really am teh most like :D!

stamped, koyama keiichiro

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