Arashi Fanpage on Twitter

Dec 10, 2010 19:05

 Hi Arashians!

I would like to promote our twitter page that we made in order for us to interact and share stories about our boys.
We also post some facts about arashi, the latest news about them and there are also games and picspams every now and then. You can also promote your site or sales because we're going to RETWEET them.

It is simply a fanpage where fangirls and fanboys can interact and share stories and opinions.

if you're interested, please follow:                                      stormy_five

PS. We're just new so don't expect that we already have a lot of followers. We just made the fanpage hours ago. :)

Thank you so much, and mods, please delete if this post isn't allowed. But I hope I didn't break any rules. TT____TT

Thank you :)

sharing: others, johnnys: arashi

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