now you're gone

Dec 03, 2014 13:56

As I'm sure everyone is aware, this is long, long overdue and many of you figured this was the case, but there will be no posting. This is completely my fault - I got immensely bogged down with real life problems, which is not an excuse, but the reason why I barely turned on my computer most days. I'm incredibly sorry that this declined the way it did, but it was not because of participation or anything like that. Like I said, this is my fault entirely and I wish I had a better explanation than "real life sucks" but I don't.

Anyway, everyone is free to repost their fics at their will. If authors would like, they can either email/PM/comment here with a link to their fic and I can post a table here, as a mini-reveals or something, complete with prompts.

Again, I'm very sorry for the way this turned out.

Happy holidays & New Year,

! mod post, ! 2014

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