2014 challenge: prompt claims

Aug 06, 2014 09:46

With that, sign ups and prompt submissions have been closed and now I bring to you this year's prompt list!

Before we get to the list, there are a few things I would like to reiterate before claims begin:
  • As you're looking over the prompts, please give each prompt a proper thought! While knee-jerk "oh god I can't possibly write that!" reactions are commonplace, the point of the challenge is to do just that -- challenge yourself. So really think about every prompt on the list -- can you make it work? Is there something you can add to it to make it distinctly your flavor? Keep in mind that the prompt is simply just that -- a prompt. Whatever you want to do to make it truly yours is up to you! You have five days to comment -- use them!

  • When commenting with your choices, please list your top five (5) prompt choices. Comments will be screened. Claims will be first come, first serve, but since you won't be able to see what prompts everyone else wants, back-ups are necessary. Again, I will do my absolute best to give everyone their top choices, but I cannot make guarantees.

  • Remember, you cannot claim your own prompt!

  • When leaving your choices, please list the number corresponding to each prompt only, one per line, in order of preference. This is mostly to help me speed up the process of pairing prompts with participants as my eyes will be bleeding numbers, so help a modda out.

  • Additionally, if you would like to take a chance and let fate decide (aka, a random number generator), please comment saying so!

  • Claims will end August 11, noon EST. Prompt confirmation emails will be sent out the evening of the 11th EST. If you have not commented with your top five choices in prompts, one will be randomly assigned to you.
Again, and as per usual, any questions can go in a comment, PM to this account, or an email to the mods!

But enough jibber jabber -- prompts time!

  1. Don’t you just hate it when you wake up and find yourself trapped in your very own jdrama?

  2. X and Y are magicians with a shared past thanks to Z - but no one has seen Z for six months…

  3. A white collar crime investigation unit! Art crime, forgery, financial crime, corporate crime, any kind of large scale con.

  4. Captain America sets out to save America with his team from an evil mastermind. Iron Man is uncooperative as usual.

  5. A-kun's looking for a job and manages to find one in a small store that sells anything - literally. The owner of the shop is as weird as the concept of his shop, and so are most of the customers.

  6. Burnt Sienna; summers that never end, hot enough to melt the tar on pavement. Whispers and secrets kept; the sounds of old memories locked up and hidden away.

  7. Magical girls or magical boys group fight evil forces as they search for/try to awaken their final member.

  8. Your characters are working for a company and it's that time of year again for the annual [sport of your choosing] company tournament. Everyone is hoping for a chance to win the big prize.

  9. A surly, drunk, antagonistic idol on a downward spiral is forced to look after the daughter they've only given monetary support to at this point. Reluctant and unhappy, he come to blows with the child's dedicated and positive teacher, who tries to bring the idol and daughter closer together for both their sakes.

  10. They meet like this every summer, shouting to get the customers to come to their respective food stands and grinning at each other when things get crowded. Come winter, the shaved ice stand is packed away though, and working at his father's company he can't help but feel a little bit lonely.

  11. Yo-ho, yo-ho a pirate crew's life, yo-ho. Throw in a marine officer trying to hunt them down if you feel like it.

  12. A librarian has to host an author event for a popular writer whose works he hated (despite having never read them).

  13. Office/work AU - Character A works long, stressful hours in the office and meets Character B, who is either a member of the cleaning staff or works as a security guard. It's their bond (friendship or romantic) that changes Character A's life/situation for the better.

  14. Sucked into the digital world, they (s/pl) must help save that world while also saving their own.

  15. There's a person constantly in his dreams, even though he has no idea who they are. One day, half asleep and shuffling off the train, he sees them getting on, but it's too late to know if they're real or not…

  16. Playing with genetics and synthetic biology can sometimes take a strange turn. Catboys and cyborgs and psychics, oh my!

  17. He doesn't mean to fall in love with his crush's brother while the actual crush is in the hospital, honest, but so many things can happen while people are sleeping.

  18. From the song "Thinking About You" by Frank Ocean, particularly the line 'A tornado flew around my room before you came, excuse the mess it made, it usually doesn't rain in Southern California...' - A Wizard of Oz-style tornado abduction to another land, or perhaps a less surreal AU set in SoCal…

  19. A and B live in the same apartment building, doing whatever normal-people jobs they happen to have. They meet one night when A drunkenly attempts to break into B's apartment, thinking it is his own.

  20. AU Game Show (radio/television/internet) and what happened behind the scene/on camera/off the record.

Remember, claims close at noon, EST, on August 11th! Happy claiming!

! mod post, ! 2014, ! sign ups

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