i believe i'm ready to win

May 20, 2013 10:16

the johnny's & associates alternate universe exchange

Hark! A new cycle of JE Otherworlds is ready to get underway!

I am, as you may already know, Captain Planet, defender of the universes, and I'm here to welcome you to the third cycle of AU goodness! If you're a returning Planeteer, it's great to have you on board again! If you're a first time volunteer, have no fear -- with our powers combined, we'll make sure you'll settle in nicely and will help you every step of the way!

Now, before we get to the meat and potatoes of the entry, there are a few things I'd like to reiterate before we kick things off:
  1. This post is for sign-ups only. Please DO NOT reply to other participants' sign-ups. Reading is perfectly okay.
  2. Please read the rules/FAQ for the 2013 cycle. While many of the rules are the exact same as the previous cycle, it is imperative that you refresh your memories so you know what you're signing up for.
  3. You may edit your sign up as many times as you see fit up until the end of the sign up period. Please make sure your sign-up is to your liking by then, and we'd like to remind you that the more you provide for us in the sign-up, the easier it is for us to match you up with someone we feel will be able to enjoy writing for you, and also it's to make your writer's life a bit easier when they have options. Please keep this in mind when filling yours out -- there is never too much!
  4. Sign ups end on the 31st of May, 11:59 PM CST. Assignments go out June 2nd. In the case of unforeseen circumstances that may delay the assignments going out on the 2nd, the community at large will be informed by a LJ post to this comm.
Got it? Good! And now, onto the main course!

This year's sign up is the same as it was last year. Just copy and paste the code, fill it out, and post as a comment to this entry, and you're golden!

Fic Journal/Archive:

What would you rather write?:
What would you rather NOT write?:

What would you rather receive?:
What would you rather NOT receive?:

What rating would you like to write/receive?:
Would you be able to beta/pinch hit?:

Anything else?

Handy-dandy code for the sign up:

And have at it, folks -- the 2013 cycle of je_otherworlds has officially begun!

UPDATE: It's come to my attention that LJ has been unwieldy today, so I'll be extending the deadline to tomorrow morning, 11 AM CST. If you've been having issues with posting your sign up, you can either email it to me at je.otherworlds@gmail.com, and I will glad to post it for you, or try valiantly to get your sign ups in. According to the LJ Support Board, comments with ASCII characters (such as hearts and even ampersands) are facing problems being posted; please try posting with those removed as well. Sorry this was such a pain!

SIGN-UPS HAVE OFFICIALLY ENDED! Thanks to everyone who signed up this year, and you'll be getting your assignments on June 2nd!

PS: If you're feeling magnanimous and would like to pimp this exchange out to your friends, feel free to copy the code below and toss it about willy-nilly! The more, the merrier!

! mod post, ! 2013, ! sign ups

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