all in your name

Jun 25, 2012 11:24

Another cycle has gone and past, and this is the moment you've all been waiting for -- reveals! I'd like to send a lot of eco-friendly hugs to astrangerenters and argle_fraster for being my amazing and fabulous pinch-hitting duo, as well as to yararanger for being equally amazing and offering her beta services. ♥ To everyone who signed up and participated, it's you guys that make this exchange what it is, and for that, thank you so much for participating -- this exchange wouldn't be half as awesome without you! If you haven't commented on your giftfic, please do so as soon as you can!

And so now, without further wait, this is the reveals list for the 2012 cycle of JE Otherworlds!

akumanakoialternatejessThe Bright Pink Post-It
alternatejesswintersdancerClipped Wings in a Golden Cage
amhrancasmeissaSing the Shadows Down
arashijunryograndeIn Abstracto
argle_frasterastrangerentersThe Legend of Yuya: The O-CART-rina of Time
astrangerentersmoogle_teyNagase, God of Thunder - Man of Lore
bellemelodygo_chan2011In Each and Every Universe
beltenebraarashijunFallen Angels Never Sleep
chasing_springbasil_ovelbyThe Shortest Season of Top Chef Ever Filmed
elfiepikelover_youshouldSwimming Upstream
ender839heavenlyjulietThe Only Direction Any Man Needs to Go
g_esquaredastrangerentersParadise Circus
gimmick_gamebubblyWon't Stop to Surrender
go_chan2011kyjrFighting Dragons with you
greatfountainender839The Omega Mis-Directive
hatenaimirai_ebeltenebraWhat Would Scooby Doo?
heavenlyjulietelfiepikeEncounter at Farpoint
hurstvilleg_esquaredcan't take the kid from the fight
joshua_glasssanjihanNothing Lasts Forever (babe)
joyeuxnoelkochan_addictMy Knight in Shining Armor, or How Sakamoto Lost the Battle
kamjamynamelessnameStranger in Town
kochan_addictyararangerOdd-Shaped Stone
kyjrargle_frasterIn Which Ueda and Mouse Peace Go on an Adventure That is Not at all Romantic
lover_youshouldgimmick_gameLittle Red Riding Hood
marlenempaint_asmileTake A Fall
meissarocktheclicheNo Chest Hair Harmed in the Making of this News Segment
moogle_teyhurstvilleBarcoded Life
mynamelessnamechasing_springWhen Every Wolf's at Your Door
paint_asmileargle_frasterSeven Devils
rocktheclichejoshua_glassAnd a Rose By Any Other Name
ryograndeakumanakoiYour call is important to us
sanjihanimifumeiThe Sword of Damocles Cuts with Laser Precision
wintersdancerzsilverdragonCarnival of Dreams
yararangerhatenaimirai_eInto the Fire
zsilverdragonamhrancasMidnights at the Bamboo Room

And that's that! Thanks to everyone again for participating and we hope you all enjoyed your time here! It's time for us to head out and tend to worldly affairs -- can you believe there are still some who think global warming doesn't exist?

Take care, and we'll see you next year!

- Captain Planet(s)

! mod post, ! 2012

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