Mission report for
tatoebaDelivered by:
arashijun Title: Love Situation
Groups/Pairings: NEWS; RyoShige, TegoShige (very little), Shige/Massu (very little) KoyaPi (hinted); random pop ups of KAT-TUN and Kanjnai8
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Jin's a whore (not really)
Summary: Ryo is bitter about his love life and Yamapi sets him up on a dating site while Shige is stressing over school and Koyama gives him a series of blind dates. The two meet by chance online one day and soon Ryo begins to question his liking'for him.
Notes: Okay first off VERY bad summary. I'm sorry. I'm terrible at these things. Also a big sorry to you,
tatoeba, for taking so long. I had some last minute school issues before this was due, probably why it's a lot worse than I had originally planned. But a thank you to all the people who put up with my bitching and helped me get through this. <3
Spring flings are always enjoyable. The start of a new relationship with the start of a new season. Usually innocent like the spring season with no harm meant. Enjoyable times in the light of a new life. It makes Ryo sick. Every where he looks all he sees are happy couples. Where is the button you press for all hell to break loose?
Now normally Ryo is not a bitter person, just teasing; but its been months since he’s gotten some and his hand isn’t much of a turn on anymore…or ever. Ryo’s kind of in-between relationships right now; his last girl turned out to be cheating on him every week, needless to say his respect for women have sunk to a new low.
Shige’s life as a student is hell right now. So much work; so many tests and exams, he thinks he might just die from the stress. Koyama won’t let him though. Dying is strictly out of the question right now; forever. He’s come to live his life as a hermit; never leaving his room unless it’s to go to class, always keeping to himself. This action makes Koyama worry which might be almost as bad as if he were to die. He tries not to think too much of it, but when Koyama shows up at his place one day with this look, he knows this cannot, will not, be good.
Koyama wants to set him up on a blind date.
“No,” Shige says before Koyama can even tell him why he’s there.
“But,” he looks like a lost puppy, “you didn’t even know what I was going to say.”
“And I don’t want to know.” Shige leans on the door frame. His hair is looking shabby and wild, like he hasn’t combed it all week, when in reality he’s only just woken up.
“Will you just hear me out? It’s for your own good.” He gave him the puppy dog look.
Shige gives in. “Fine.”
“I want to set you up on a blind date.”
“Come on!”
“Look,” he starts. “ I know you care but I have a really big exam coming up that is seriously crucial to my grade.”
“Just one,” Koyama says. “One blind date. It’ll take your mind off things. Relax a bit.” Because blind dates take the stress off exams; Shige scoffs.
Now, Koyama has good intentions and his heart is in the right place, but his choices for Shige’s blind dates are terrible. They make Shige almost have suicidal thoughts.
He decides to go anyway because he can’t exactly say no to his best friend and not feel bad about it, not when he has Shige’s best interest in mind. Still, as he sits across from Tegoshi Yuya, the girliest looking man he has ever seen in his life…he begins to wonder why he’s so nice.
Tegoshi was a character in the few dates they had (Shige wouldn’t let it go more than three because Tegoshi gives him the creeps). From the first date, Shige is convinced that this guy is a transsexual; not that there is anything wrong with that. It’s just not his thing.
Normally, Shige isn’t picky when it comes to relationships, he’s not exactly perfect himself so his partner shouldn’t be either, but by the third date Tegoshi has managed to spend three times the amount he usually does in a month. “You have no intention of paying me back do you?”
“Should I?” Tegoshi is kind of shallow and thinks that everyone should take care of him. “Wasn’t it your treat?”
Technically speaking, it’s Koyama’s since he’s the one who thought of this but somehow it ended up on him. “Not when it’s three times what I spend in a month!”
“You gotta give and take,” Shige is pretty sure Tegoshi is only taking. He ends up stabbing the table with his fork before storming out of the restaurant.
On a regular schedule (and that meaning Ryo’s sex schedule), Ryo would smoke a few a day. Now, he smokes a few…packs. Yamapi doesn’t really show that he cares, or that he’s worried, or that he’s annoyed…he doesn’t really show much of anything actually. He’s kind of just there, though he does voice his opinions. “Keep smoking like that, and you’ll have cancer by the time you’re thirty-five.”
Ryo holds him with a glare. “What are you, my mother?”
“No,” Yamapi says, “but that’s your third pack this week-and it’s only Wednesday.”
“Pi.” He says flatly, “When was the last time you got some?”
“Last night.”
Jin now smiles confidently, “I got some-“
“Did I ask you?” He was still a little ticked at Jin, but you can’t really blame him.
“Why?” Yamapi says before things can get out of hand.
“When you go months - months, Pi - without, then let’s see how you are. Till then, back off.” He throws the empty pack a them and stalks off to his room. They know their way out by now.
Koyama is an idiot, Shige thinks darkly as he crams for his exam the next day, the one that is important for his grade for this semester. Stupid blind dates, he grumbles to himself. He’s got eight hours till this test, seven of which he planned to be sleeping but doesn’t seem like that is going to happen now, not when the past week was mainly spent paying for everything Tegoshi Yuya saw.
His exam was brutal. He knows for a fact that he bombed it, there isn’t a doubt in his mind that he didn’t pass, though there is a small shred of hope that he’ll get lucky.
It’s the middle of the day and Shige is located in the farthest end from where Koyama would have to come to see him but there he is when Shige steps out of the building. Standing there with that smile on his face that just screamed he had another plan, and why is there another person with him? Shige really didn’t want to know, he just wanted to sleep.
“Dare I ask why you are here?” He says with caution. “And who is that?” Suddenly Shige has a bad feeling; now is really not the time for Koyama’s ‘help’.
Koyama smiles weakly. “Our second try.” He gets a deadly look that tells him to start planning his funeral. “I know what you’re thinking.” He says defensively.
“No you don’t.” Because if he did he’d be running as fast as humanly possibly.
“Close to it.” Not even.
“The point.” He strains with a growl. “I am really tired.”
“Double date.” He walks around him and gets lost in the sea of people so fast that Koyama is flabbergasted for a moment.
Koyama somehow ropes Shige into this blind date but he can see that Shige is going to be the most difficult person on the face of the earth right now. He’s pointing out every five minutes that Koyama owes him, big time. Which he does. “I bombed that test because of you” but he actually didn’t. “I lost so much money because of you,” which Koyama has promised to pay him back in the new few months. “I lost sleep because of you,” well there really isn’t much Koyama can do about that. Shige only glares.
“This is Masuda Takahisa.” Koyama stands up, directing Shige to sit across from the smiley man with random bright clothes that seemed to be something more of what a clown would wear than a man in his twenties on a date. He’s still wondering why he ever listens to Koyama.
Shige holds out his hand as he stands before the other man, he looks really young in his opinion. “Kato Shigeaki.” Maybe it’s the chubby baby fat face, he thinks. The hand shake he gets in return is strong and firm. Perhaps this blind date won’t be so bad.
There’s a saying, never judge a book by it’s cover. Shige wishes there was some sort of relation in the way Masuda appears and the way he acts. They only have one date before coming to the agreement that this will not work out at all. It was much more relaxed in a way than his dates with Tegoshi, but he has never seen such an OCD man in his life. For him to try and explain to one of his classmates how the date went would be like Shige trying to explain complex scientific theories, which he is terrible at.
“The guy was just weird.” Shige sighs rubbing his hands over his face. “It seemed like everything was a contradiction,” he peeks over his fingers and talks into his hand. “And you should have seen how much he could eat. If it was my treat again I would be broke for the next 3 months.”
His classmate cringes. “Sounds rough.”
“You do not know the half of it.”
There’s a small laugh from his classmate. “Well the semester is almost over, then you get a couple months to relax. You’ll pull through it.”
Shige groans. “I hope so.”
He sits up straight and scans the college cafeteria. He rarely spends time in here because he just doesn’t get the free moment to stop and enjoy his lunch, not that he’s enjoying it now either. He ends up starring in one direction for a long time before it registers in his head that someone is walking over to their table. A second later he starts panicking because that person has their eyes set on Shige. “I have a feeling Kei-chan is behind something again,” he mumbles.
His classmate looks behind them only to hold back a laugh that comes out as a snort and he puts his head on the table. “Bring on the wimps of the dating world.”
Tanaka Koki, Shige vaguely knows the name, sits across from his in the most gentlemanly manner. This has got to be some kind of joke.
“Something I can help you with?” He asks politely, though he wants to kill this in five minutes tops since he has to get to his part time job.
“Kato Shigeaki?” There’s more bass in the man’s voice than Shige recalls - he was totally set up.
“Correct. And you are…?” he plays it like he doesn’t know the others name - if he’s going to suffer, he wants to have a little fun with it.
“Koki-kun. Right, right.” Shige nods uninterested. “I’ve heard of you, seen you around.”
The look on his face is laughable. It just lights him up, making Shige think this has made his entire day. Does Koyama really think he has such terrible taste? “Yeah,” His voice cracks a bit from the excitement which sends Shige’s classmate into a giggle fest. “I was told to come and talk to you.”
This has Koyama’s name written all over it, from the way the approach was set up, to the ‘casual’ way the topic was brought up. It’s amusing really, but Shige keeps himself composed and nods. “I figured as much. I know why you’re here.”
“You do?”
“Of course.” He says giving a bit of emotion and leaning in on the table a bit. “You needed help with passing one of your classes. It’s only understandable that they would tell you to come to me.” He’s being a tad bit full of himself, but it’s all for play.
“But that’s not-“ Koki tries to explain.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, really.” Okay, now he’s just being a jerk, but he really does not want to go on a date with this guy.
“This was meant to be a blind date!” Koki says rather loudly, his face turning red.
Shige just sighs. “I know.” He runs a hand through his hair messing it up a bit, “Look. I don’t mean anything by this. But I really do not want to date you. Or anyone for that matter. So however this was set up just get it back to Kei-chan that I’m done.” He picks up his bag and leaves the room before things get to out of hand.
There is a series of unidentifiable emails in Ryo’s inbox one day while he checks them in attempts to avoid doing work. Taking a long drag from his cigarette, he puts his pen down and gives his full attention to the computer screen. Five emails from a sender that he doesn’t know-so why aren’t they in his spam? He opens one.
Welcome to Eito Dating Service
From: daringdater@eitodating.co.jp
To: sexyosakan@gmail.co.jp
Dear Nishikido-kun,
We would like to welcome you to Eito Dating Service, where you are guaranteed to find the love of your life or your money back. Just kidding, it costs you nothing to join. We do hope you will enjoy yourself and find just what you are looking for here at Eito Dating Service. If you have any questions email us at datingrangers@gmail.co.jp.
“Is this a scam?” He asks out loud destroying the cigarette butt in the astray. “This has got to be a scam. I didn’t sign up for anything.” He pulls out his cell phone and calls Jin telling him to get his ass over to his place right away. He’s got a bone to pick with him.
Jin shows up with Yamapi. He’s probably scared Ryo’s going to try to kill him, but Ryo’s got much better things to do than killing people. Plus it would leave terrible stains on the floor.
“Did you sign me up for an online dating service?” He asks with a scowl before placing another cigarette between his lips.
Jin looks insulted. “Who, me?”
“Who the fuck else?” He mumbles around the cigarette then lights it up. Taking a drag then holding it between his fingers he says, “It sure as hell wasn’t me.” The smoke escapes his mouth as he talks. Really attractive there.
“Why do you assume it was me?” Jin asks defensively. “What reason would I have to sign you up for a dating service?” He realizes a reason why he’d be accused of this after the question escapes his lips. “I didn’t do it!”
“Then who did, Jin? I would really like to know why there are five emails in my inbox from ‘Eito Dating Service’.”
Silence fills the room as Ryo stares Jin down a minute waiting for an answer. “I didn’t do it,” is all he yells.
“Then who-“
“I did.” Yamapi suddenly says with a straight face as if it was the most obviously thing on the goddamn planet.
“You?” Ryo asks, pointing at Yamapi who nods. “When?”
“Other day,” he shrugs. “Really Ryo-chan, all you do it bitch. I figured it would be of some help.”
Ryo’s not really sure what to say so he wastes time taking a few drags of his cigarette then putting it out. By now Jin has taken it upon himself to open his mouth again, and this only gets him in trouble.
“I think you owe me an apology.”
“And I think I owe you a foot up the ass and you owe me a new girlfriend. But none of that is going to happen so get over it.” He turns to stare at the computer screen. This could be interesting.
It seemed like it would be a rare day when Shige would let him over again, but there Koyama was sitting in the living room of the small dorm Shige had all to himself since his roommate garduated last year. He was skeptical at first, giving Koyama a once over before stepping aside and letting him in. He just had a feeling that he was up to something.
“I wanted to see if you would like to go out to lunch.” He says, casually sitting on the small couch. “You’re on break now so you should relax.”
Shige eyes him some more before agreeing. It wasn’t really in the other’s nature to be so deceptive with his plans; he figured it was probably just a one time deal and wouldn’t happen again. “Sure, just let me grab a shower.”
Koyama nods as Shige heads down the hall. “Can I use your computer to check my emails? Mine broke.” He lied.
He stops to look at the elder, “You are joking right? How did you manage to do that?” On second though, it’s Koyama, he really does not want to know. This is the man who wiped out an entire computer of its files to even turn on let along do anything else. At this point, Shige is convinced he can break anything.
Once he was positive the other was in the shower Koyama jumped into the computer chair and went on Shige’s email. Yamapi had told him a few days ago about something that he had done to a friend of his, who by chance was in a similar situation as Shige, just a lot more violent about it. He was going to set Shige up on a dating site. Maybe it would help him out a little and then Koyama wouldn’t get chewed out each time.
“Eito Dating Service” he typed into the search bar and it was the first one in the results. The site was very…colorful, let’s leave it at that. He wasn’t sure how long the other would take in the shower and he really didn’t want to chance it so he wanted to do this as fast as possible.
Just as Shige was coming out of the shower Koyama was closing off the internet, erasing all suspicion. He smiles at him, asking, “Ready to go?”
Shige nods. “Let me just grab my wallet.” And they head out to lunch.
It was about three days later that Shige had called Koyama up telling him he was standing outside his apartment. The sound of that could only mean one thing.
When the door was opened Shige stepped in the genkan. “Give me three reasons why I should keep being your friend.”
“Because we’ve been friends for years, I’m the only one who can understand everything you say even when you get into the serious law talk, and I’m your best friend.”
Shige pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. “Then what the hell is this?” he shoves it in Koyama’s face. “What the hell would I need with ‘Eito Dating Service’?”
“I thought it would be a good idea.”
“How is a dating service a good idea!?” He’s furious and Koyama doesn’t really understand what the big deal is.
“No more blind dates.”
Shige scowls, “It’s on the same level Kei-chan.”
“Soooo?” He drones out, putting on the cute best friend act.
He balls up the paper the throws it at him. “I don’t want a date. I don’t need to be in a relationship.”
“Why are you so mad about it?”
Before Shige can open his mouth to say anything he goes into a sneezing fit. Down by his ankle is Nyanta rubbing up against him. Never before has he hated his cat allergy so much.
Shige was excited for a while when he got on break between his third and fourth year of college. It seemed that the stress was just being piled on and on him but now that it was two weeks into his break he was bored to death. A lot of the time he spent lazing about in the air conditioned dorm room until he was kicked out for the summer.
“But…” Koyama said as Shige made his way into the apartment with a couple of bags. “You can’t stay here, you’re allergic to Nanyta.” His parents were on vacation, which is fine, but this is probably one of the most awkward times of the year to go on vacation…for him.
Koyama’s apartment was small; it was big enough to fit him and Shige-as long as he didn’t stay to long-and Nyanta. Though, Shige could really deal without Nanyta right now. Sneeze one was let out not five minutes after he stepped into the apartment. It was going to be a long few days.
It was never Ryo’s intention to actually use Eito Dating Service. He was just trying to figure out a way to delete his account. The constant emails from it were pissing him off to no end. Every hour it seemed.
You still haven’t made any progress on your profile. Get started now!
“Pass.” He said aloud while deleting the email. Two hours later, there was another, and it seemed to have made a little buddy. “I said no.” He grumbled while deleting them. Before he went to bed they resurrected themselves and had a new little buddy. “For god’s sake!”
He shuts down his computer without even bothering to delete them; there seemed to be no point. In the end he got little sleep and ended up back on the computer trying to figure out a way to rid himself of this pesky account.
It was then that something caught his attention. A few profiles, actually.. Other people who had joined the site, they had these…elaborate profiles that were, well, pretty appealing. A few of them actually caught his attention. Like this guy Yasuda’s. It said he liked to be called Yasu though, not that Ryo really cared. It was so full of color and lots of words that ended in exclamation points.
“Excited much?” he laughed to himself, moving on.
There was another one. Okura, though he could see from all the comment and stuff down at the bottom and on the side he was called Tacchon a lot.
Ryo isn’t gay, or at least he didn’t think he was. It’s not like he really spent much time looking guys over, giving them ratings on a scale of one to ten. But this Okura, well, he was a looker. Ryo even muttered out the word “cute”, though he would never admit to it. Then he came up to a profile that was just about as bare as his. Call him crazy, but it made him happy, so he sent the guy a message.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: So Im not the only one who was forced onto this site?
Not trying to actually gain anything here, just making small conversation I guess. But it seems that I’m not the only one who is on here against my will. Continuous emails from this thing eventually will catch your attention.
He wasn’t exactly expecting anything back so soon, or if at all. It showed that the guy hadn’t logged on in at least a week, not that Ryo was looking or anything. He just happened to see it and made a mental note, maybe.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced onto this site?
No, I was forced onto it as well. I think the whole online dating thing to be weird.
Who does that? I haven’t gotten to many emails from it yet. Well, I didn’t. I checked today and there were 5. Talk about your unwanted surprises.
Ryo snorted at the response. So maybe this site wasn’t a total waste of his time. It was keeping him occupied when he couldn’t sleep, so he gave it two points.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced into this site?
Yeah, 5 is about what I had a few hours ago before I tried to murder my laptop. Not exactly the smartest thing to do though. I was going to figure out how to delete my account, but then I got distracted.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced onto this site?
Distracted by what? I hope it wasn’t something shiny, that would be pathetic.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced onto this site?
No, it was not something shiny, thank you very much. You know when you log in it shows you a bunch of profiles? That’s how I got distracted.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced onto this site?
Oh, I guess that would be distracting. I haven’t really noticed. I’m only on because you messaged me. Emails, they tell you everything so fast now.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced into this site?
Isn’t that the point? For them to tell you things fast? Hahah. Just saying, I could be wrong, I never went to college, can’t know all the facts of the world.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced into this site?
I suppose you’re right. College...well, you didn’t miss much. Just think of high school but ten times more stress.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced into this site?
So you went?
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced into this site?
Yes. Well, I’m still attending. I’m entering my last year after this summer.
Shige never got a response after that. No matter how many times he refreshed his email there was nothing new. He wasn’t upset or anything, he was just getting into the conversation. Whoever this Nishikido character was could hold up a good conversation. It was only then that Shige had realized the time and decided maybe it was time to go to bed. He can’t be spending all night on the computer now.
The next morning when Ryo wakes he’s stiff and ready to just roll back over to sleep. What on earth had possessed him to sleep on the couch that is not made for sleeping? He let out a long groan stretching his arms above his head in a cat like way. It’s almost noon before he actually gets up to take a shower but not before he takes a quick detour to his computer to check his emails.
“Eight?” He asks confused and opens up his inbox. They’re all from Eito Dating. Curious, he opens the first one from a guy named Shibutani Subaru.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: (no subject)
I was looking at your profile and I see that you like to write lyrics. Funny thing is I do too. Small world huh? I was wonder-
Ryo deleted the message before he could read anymore. He dreaded the rest of them.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Music
Hey, I was looking on your profile and it says you play guitar-
“Delete.” He says dryly getting annoyed. Since when did his profile say anything?
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Food
Hey, I was on your profile and noticed that you like mayonnaise. Well, I think that’s great because I like food-
He deletes all the others until a familiar name comes up and he can’t help but giving a small smile. “Finally something promising,” he says.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re: So Im not the only one who was forced into this site?
Sorry, I fell asleep. Did you know that most couches are not good for sleeping? My neck is killing me now. I probably have a daytime couch.
Shige is sitting up in the living room when Koyama comes out of his room that morning. There are light bags under Shige’s eyes that tells him right away he hasn’t slept.
“Did you sleep?” He asks, knowing full well that he didn’t.
Shige hums and looks up. “Oh, no, I didn’t.”
“What were you doing all night? Watching porn?” Koyama knows he wasn’t but sometimes it’s nice to poke a little fun.
He scowls. “No, I was doing research.” Closing his laptop, he gets up and stretches out his back.
“For what? You’re on break.”
“I have slave driver teachers?”
Koyama doesn’t believe that one bit but lets it go for the time being. “Why don’t you go get some sleep and I’ll wake you up in a little bit.” He barely sees Shige nod before he retreats back to the guest room that was cleaned of all cat fur just for him. He’s lucky Koyama loves him this much.
In the evening Shige’s sitting on the couch with his laptop doing ‘research’. He’s got this big grin on his face and snickers to himself every so often which makes Koyama curious in his seat on the other end of the couch watching TV, but he tries his best to ignore it. He needs to come up with a plan to figure out what exactly is making Shige so giddy.
He figures that Shige is good at hiding what he’s doing because every time he manages to sneak a look at his laptop Koyama only sees research. He doesn’t believe that this man could be doing that much research, not even for the way Shige works. Koyama knows something is up, and he will figure it out.
A few days later Shige calls his parents and confirmed he can go home at Sunday. Koyama is sitting on the couch with Shige’s laptop on the coffee table, taunting him while the younger is in the shower. He knows that if he goes on there Shige will kill him, but he also knows that there is something on that laptop that has been making his friend giddy for the past few days and he needs to find out what it is.
He contemplates his options and their consequences while his chance ticks away, one that probably won’t arise again. Before he knows it, his hands are tapping lightly on the keys and he knows he’s going to get it later. All thought of punishment leave his head once the email loads and he sees that his best friend has various emails from Eito Dating Service.
A smile spreads across his face as he reads the name “Nishikido Ryo”, feeling proud of himself for doing such a smart thing but then the water shuts off in the bathroom and Koyama only has so many minutes to make it look like nothing had happened. Scrambling to close off Shige’s email and putting the laptop back where it was, he then panics to find something to distract himself from this new information.
When the younger man comes back from the bathroom he can feel in the air that something is up; something is amiss. As his eyes scan the room and find nothing different or out of the ordinary, not even Koyama’s flailing. A shiver runs down his back. He knows something is very odd.
That night while they’re eating dinner that Shige cooked, Koyama brings up the most unholy topic to Shige’s being.
“So have you talked to anyone on Eito?” His voice is innocent, even for him.
His eyes go wide and he almost drops his chopsticks as he stares at the man across from him, “What?”
“You know, the dating site.”
“No.” Shige says, regaining himself. “I know what you mean. But…why are you bringing this up? I thought we had this conversation.”
Koyama shrugs, the innocent act still on as he fiddles with his food which is never a good sign. “I don’t know. I just thought maybe you had a change of heart.”
Shige never considered himself to be a good actor or liar but the way he argues next he can almost see Koyama believe every word that falls from his lips as if it was the holy grail. When he sees a flicker in his eyes though Shige knows that his suspsion from earlier was correct. “You checked my email, didn’t you?”
His eyes fall down from looking at Shige as he suddenly gains an interest in his food. “No.” His voice is a soft mumble.
This is something he would expect from a child, from that creepy blind date Tegoshi, but not from Koyama. “Kei-chan, you did, didn’t you?”
He fidgets in his seat but says nothing and Shige lets out an exasperated sigh. “I can’t believe you would do such a thing! That’s my privacy. You’d think my best friend could respect that.”
“But Shige-“
There’s a glare on his face and his eyes are dark filled with anger. “I think you should leave.”
Koyama doesn’t know what possessed him to actually get up from the table and leave his apartment, but he does and Shige doesn’t let him back in for the rest of the night. Nyanta’s annoyed cries bleeds through the walls all night and Shige has never wanted to kill something so much in his life.
Ryo’s mood has improved and his friends have noticed. It’s not to the point where it’s blatantly obvious, but it’s when Ryo doesn’t storm about his apartment grumbling that he needs a smoke. On the other hand though, he’s noticed a slight difference in Yamapi’s behavior, not that it’s really something for concern. He knows full well the other man’s situation.
Hopelessly in love but never wishing to act upon it, leaving him and his ‘lover’ Koyama forever in a limbo of emotions that drives them insane at times. It’s creepy in his opinion. But the whole guy-on-guy thing still gives him the shivers though both of his best friends go that way. The first time he found out he nearly shit bricks.
“You’re what?” His voice cracked. It tends to happen at the age of seventeen. “Can you possibly run that by me again? I want to make sure I’m not going deaf.”
Jin shakes his head as Yamapi, well he doesn’t really do anything per usual. “Gay, Ryo. I’m gay.” He never knew his friend to be so dense.
Ryo looks at Yamapi who only nods in confirmation. “B-both of you?” They nod and Ryo proceeded to flail about, mumbling incoherent things. He didn’t really talk to them for the next few months after that.
He’s come to terms with it mostly over the years that his two best friends are gay. He’s just glad they’ve never tried to put the moves on him.
“For a straight guy you are the biggest sissy I have ever met.” Jin says with a smirk one day, gaining a glare from the shorter man.
Yamapi can help but laugh at this. “You are pretty gay, Ryo-chan, hate to break it to you.”
He throws balled up sheets of paper at them in annoyance. “You would know.” And only after the words leave his mouth does he realize how little effect they have. He’s resented them for it ever since.
Ryo has his ideas about Koyama and Yamapi. He thinks the two are up to something, though he can’t really put his finger on Koyama’s end since he’s only met the guy twice. He’s still not sure how him and Yamapi ended up together-not together but…forget it. He just feels they’re up to something.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: (no subject)
I feel like my best friend is up to something with his lover.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re:
I’m not sure how I should respond to that Nishikido-kun. Were you looking for a reaction of some sort?
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re:
Not really, just making conversation.
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re:
Oh, okay then. Why do you think that? There’s got to be a reason.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re:
He forced me on this site, I have all the reason to suspect him
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re:
See your point. Kei-chan is sure to plot something of his own at some point in the near future I think. He found out I’ve been coming on here.
To: Kato Shigeaki
Subject: Re:
Is it a big deal?
To: Nishikido Ryo
Subject: Re:
When you yell that you have no interest in a relationship at your best friend it kind of is.
Ryo starts to laugh to himself as Yamapi lets himself in the apartment. It’s become such a habit that he almost forgets to close off of Eito dating as to not give any ideas to the other. He manages to lose the smile on his face by the time he turns to him. “Something up?”
Yamapi nods. “Could say that. I need a place to crash.”
He raises an eyebrow. “Why…”
He raises he’s pinky. “Jin.”
Ryo groans and restrains from rolling on the floor. “Gross!” The thought of what Jin’s up to just kills the rest of his day.
Part 2.