Okay~ Here's where you submit your entries ^^
So far, here are the categories in which you can enter in~
Please read the "rough idea" post if you're not sure which classes to enter and rules.
*if the class has subclasses, just do one of the subclasses, not the entire class itself..eg, NEWS, not "Unit Class"
1. Group Class
2. Unit Class (subdivided)
-2a. NEWS
-2b. Kanjani8
-2c. KAT-TUN
-2d. Arashi
-2e. Others (Kinki kids, HSJ..etc - maybe further subdivided)
3. Genre Class (subdivided)
-3. Pop
-3. Rock
-3. Ballad
-3. Rap (doesn't have to be rapping for the full song)
4. Multi-Voice
5. Vocally Challenging
When submitting, please upload onto box.net only with your file name:
eg, 3d_ai_no_hanabi_Happiness_Arashi.mp3
If you need any help, the following list are some of the people who have volunteered (thanks so much!):
Karaoke (We still need some more people to help ^^)
mystic_water_ hanipazuiakanishikoki Mixers
karuchan_desukuroiusagi93bigmow Uploaders
karuchan_desugshock99jaacquueeliineetegorin_news Graphic Makers
neo_cycloidladylenneslumberprincesskathleenksl --could one or more of you guys help with the advertising banners? :D--
Judges (We may still need more!)
slumberprincessicecrusher-i-bblupenguin1029 jaacquueeliineeai_no_hanabi Due Date: JULY 31, 2008 (may be extended)
All comments will be screened
I'm still a little busy right now, so once everything is finally settled, I'm going to fix some old posts and add some new karaoke projects :D