[RELEASE] Muchaburi (Fujiki Naohito) and Baby Blue (KAT-TUN/NEWS)

Nov 24, 2007 03:53

JE Mix are proud to present our very first releases as a sub group. As we've mentioned on our community, we're planning on releasing at least 2 (sometimes 3 in the case of smaller clips) clips per week. Every 2 weeks, we'll be presenting a different Kanjani8 program, alternating Muchaburi with Janiben episodes, plus an extra clip.

This week, as our opening special, we have Muchaburi, with Fujiki Naohito as guest. His wish is to learn more about brain training. Watch Kanjani8 as they present various games and even Moe Brain Training. Fujiki-san goes head to head with Nishikido Ryo in the Love Brain Training.

The second clip is the fully translated and karaoke-subbed clip of Baby Blue, sung by KAT-TUN and NEWS on Shounen Club in 2005. The episode was produced by Taguchi Junnosuke of KAT-TUN with the theme of AOI/BLUE. Chibi!Tegoshi, Cheeky!Kusano...what more are you waiting for?

For Baby Blue, click the banner to download the clip from Mediafire. For Muchaburi, the links are under the banner. Because MF keeps deleting the first part, it's been uploaded elsewhere for the moment until we can work out why they're deleting it. Thanks for waiting patiently.

Part 1 on Shareonall / MF2 / MF3 // MU1 / MU2

performance, kat-tun, tv show, news, the shounen club, muchaburi, kanjani8

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