Apr 08, 2008 21:11
fuck fuck fuck.
social life has been SU-PERB lately. Pysicus on Friday then Prom Saturday, two excellent experiences letting loose with the amigs, but then it was suddenly sunday afternoon before i could lower my eyelid for a blink and i had done NOTHING I'd needed to for school. and despite sleeping a good 8 hours post prom, I fell asleep several times during the day, so of course nothing got done. but that's okay because monday was sort of a snoozer anyhow. Afterschool I went to the library to get movies then home so I could do my long past due paper for African American lit. But I slept, even more. Then I came to school today only to find out there are more past due assignments topping the pile. Afterschool I biked to Arabic tutoring, got goatsheads in my tires and have one really bad flat that I have yet to conquer as I fucking fell asleep ONCE MORE for the entire part of the evening/afternoon I could've used being productive. And here's the thing: I'm up and adam (at 'em?) now but to do all the shit I need to it will render me incapable of school tomorrow.
It's shitty, I just can't catch up with myself and now is crunch time. It feels like there will never be time for school, fun, and adequate sleep, and I really don't know if this hole I've dug myself into is shallow enough to ever be able to resurface.
now i'm dozing off, again. this is the eternal debate of late: to sleep or to slave away to save myself from failure?
on ne sait jamais, mais la fin arrivera n'importe mes actions actuelles. où serai-je?