Aug 27, 2008 12:59
Hey All!
I'll introduce myself. Hello, I'm Kaoru. I'm 21 and I'm trying to make over my life. I want to get fit for real! (Aka lose 30lbs...) However, I watch/do around 5 hours of JE a day and then I was like, why don't I used that time to workout. If I spent that much time on my body then I'd be....well to thin to move....ANYway, as a JE fan I naturally relate all things to JE. So to create a weight loss type of support group w/ ppl I LOVE. Why not make another JE com.
I'm a first-time mod long time lurker so if any one wants to help mod w/me poke me about it!
So more about the comm.
Post anything JE related/ keep it clean/helpful.
Be descriptive.
All post should have a theme. (Fashion/Exercise/Food)
Insperation (Like what gave you the Idea. If you could post a Pic/Media to make it exciting it would be great!)
or you can
Post a Playlist to listen to when working out.
Use this as a activity journal! (Were a community so lets share our experiences for support!
I'll update once a week with my own update. On all the life matters I can think of.
They look good so why shouldn't we? So lets get started!
mod post