The fic challenge contest has OFFICIALLY ENDED!
But we are opening it for voting for another 24 hour!!
We would like to thank you for participating in this contest, by entering the contest and by reading and commenting on the fics.
We hope you guys had a lot of FUN, because we would start a new contest soon, in conjunction with Ryo-chan’s birthday!!! Be prepared^^
Here is the list of the contestants and their respective fic prompt:
- holly_berri - #1: Car Sex
- riapi - #13 - drunk wild orgy in a club VIP
- luna_truths - #2: Couch Sex
- kameisturtle - #6: Cinema Blowjob
- ritalinbaby07 - #9: Vampire Blowjob
- deirdre_diuran - #20: I don’t want to be a virgin anymore
- miruiki - #17: Cheating with your bestfriend
- loveokamoto - #11: foursome with a king size bed
- ryunuka - Lost Butt Virginity in a Dark Alley
- riapi - #14: best friends fuck best
- citraryo - #2: couch sex
- cardi_gan - #20: I Don't Want to be a Virgin Anymore
for the members who are intended to enter but couldn't make it, we hope you guys can participate in the next contest^^
we’ll be announcing the WINNER soon ^__^ please wait in anticipation!
thank you.