Gift for moon979child

Dec 20, 2008 21:13

To: moon979child
From: grunhilda


Title: Burn After Reading
Pairing/Group: Pida, KAT-TUN/News
Rating: R
Warnings: Intimate situations
Notes: Title credit to the Cohen brothers. Thank you so much to everyone who held my hand through this, I would have been a mess without you. I was a mess with you, so I would have obviously been dead without you. moon979child, I hope you enjoy it. ♥
Summary: Glory to the pervy sex romps, but Yamapi wants a proper date. Stalker friends optional.

you pulled me under so I had to give in
such a beautiful mess that's breaking my skin
well I'll hide all the bruises;

I'll hide all the damage that's done
but I show how I'm feeling until all the feeling has gone

~ james morrison, the pieces don't fit anymore


It was sort of by accident; coincidence, alcohol and horniness, but for Yamapi it was something else as well, something which he seemed to forget there in the moment, Ueda's heat surrounding him, his heels digging into Yamapi's back. He forgot it then, senses clouded by lust and everything he was feeling, enough to make him fall into a dreamless sated sleep afterward, nose pressed against the sweaty hair behind Ueda's ear.

He woke up later, a throbbing headache building up as he blinked his eyes open to find Ueda at the end of the bed, biting his lip and looking at him curiously. The first thing Ueda said wasn't good morning, or how are you feeling, or would you like some breakfast? but, “I didn't know you swung that way,” in a slightly bemused tone.

I don't really, “I don't really- boast about it.” I just find you terrifyingly attractive. Yamapi's eyes ached, sore with heat and deep alcohol-induced sleep.

“Oh,” Ueda said, nodding. His calves poked out beneath the covers bunched up over his abdomen and thighs, and he shifted his feet awkwardly for a moment. “Would you-” breakfast? Breakfast would be good, “-like to do this again sometime?”

Yamapi blinked, tilted his head up to gaze semi-steadily at Ueda, sleep-lines on his face. “Sure,” he said, his tummy fluttering a little with happiness, a little with nausea, “Sure, I'd like that.”

Ueda smiled, slow and carefully bright, like sunrise. “Good,” he said, sliding down the bed, hands floating over Yamapi's shoulderblades as he bent down, hair spilling into his eyes. “Good,” he whispered into Yamapi's mouth.


The next time they met up it was a few weeks later, after a semi-awkward text message conversation, and they had take away takoyaki and more real awkward conversation on Ueda's couch, which was followed by not quite so awkward sex on the floor in front of Ueda's couch. Ueda tasted like squid, and his limbs wound around Yamapi tightly as they moved together, needy and hot.

After, Ueda sat up slowly, fiddling to light a cigarette on one of the half-burned tea candles, and Yamapi reached out to follow the curve of his spine with his fingertips. Ueda turned around, his face coloured a healthy glow in the candle light. He smiled, traced a small patch of skin on Yamapi's hip. “Sorry, I got you a hickey there.”

Yamapi shrugged as well as he was able to while lying down. “It's fine. I generally have my hips to myself.”

“Lucky, that.” Ueda dragged in a breath of smoke, crossing his legs and leaning down to rest his elbows on the floor.

“I didn't know you smoked,” Pi commented, taking the cigarette from Ueda's fingers and bringing it to his own mouth.

Ueda scratched his head, smiled ruefully. “I didn't think I would, once.” His fingers moved in circles over Yamapi's skin. “In the end we're defined by the things we don't know, not by the things we do. We might be remembered by our actions, but in life all we have are uncertainties.”

Yamapi took a smoke-filled breath, expelled it into the air to spread and vanish almost immediately. “Well, you can always write a song about it.”

Ueda smacked Pi lightly on his thigh, making Yamapi grin, but he didn't disagree.


Yamapi grabbed Ueda in an empty hallway at the Jimusho, and pulled him into one of the toilets, locking the door.

“Romantic,” Ueda grinned, eyes bright in the glaring lighting, but words were soon replaced by quiet moans as Yamapi pressed him into the wall and unbuttoned his pants.

It was slightly uncomfortable bumping against all the toilet accoutrements, and Yamapi managed to bruise his forearm on the soap dispenser, which had Ueda laughing at him, or at least until he himself banged into the tissue roll with his knee and winced.

When Yamapi walked out of the toilet he felt a little battered and bruised and his hair was a mess, but the taste of Ueda's skin was still on his lips and the day seemed a little brighter.


A couple weeks went by, but Yamapi didn't count the days or the times they met. It was a dream made solid, imprinted in his memory in touches and sounds and tastes. He didn't question it, didn't read more into it than he dared. It was a strange hyperreality, his moments with Ueda, lived more intensely than dance practice and performances and recordings. Moments dense with cigarette smoke and kisses, the emotions that clogged up this throat and made it hard to breathe sometimes.

“Could I talk to you?” Ueda asked, standing in the doorway of News' dressing room, eyes fixed on Yamapi. The noise in the room came to a stop as they all turned to blink at Ueda, nonplussed.

“Of course,” Yamapi replied, doing his best to look surprised for his bandmates' benefit, and left the room. Right when he had closed the door behind him, Ueda pressed him up against it, close and warm, his breath skating over Yamapi's jawline.

“I was thinking,” he said, “that there is something I don't know yet.”

“What's that?” Yamapi asked, his voice carefully low, but instead of answering, Ueda kissed him, his teeth scraping lightly against Yamapi's bottom lip. Ueda's hands crinkled the fabric of Yamapi's shirt as he pressed closer. “Go out with me,” Yamapi said, muffled, not quite a question.

Ueda leaned back, licked his lips, blinked slowly. “Why?”

Pi swallowed, “Because there are some things I don't know too.”

Ueda met his gaze for a long moment, then nodded, “Okay.”


Ryo rubbed his temples, his expression pained. “I can't believe this is happening.” He slumped against the table.

“Oh, don't be so dramatic, Ryo-chan.” Jin stretched where he sat next to the kotatsu.

“It's been going on for a while,” Kame added, peeking into the bags of food on the low table.

Ryo looked up to glare at the both of them, and then sent Yamapi a disapproving look where he was handing out bowls and chopsticks. “Do you really have to? I can sacrifice Masuda for the greater good for you to change your mind.”

Yamapi stared at him, shook his head. “I don't want to know Ryo, I do not want to know.”

“Pi's had a thing for Uebo since... I'm not even sure. Did he flash you some skin when you were practising Daite Señorita?” Jin poked Yamapi with his chopsticks.

Yamapi squirmed in discomfort, and Kame made to grab Jin's chopsticks, but only managed to get one. “This is a good thing,” Kame said emphatically, ignoring Jin's en garde! and attempt at chopstick fencing. Ryo grimaced into his bowl. “Where are you going to go on the date?” Kame added, turning to Pi.

“Um,” Yamapi stalled, “I hadn't quite got to that bit yet.”

There was the noise of three heads thumping against the tabletop simultaneously.


“Um, Ryo-chan?” Yamapi heard Jin saying hesitantly.

“I'm despairing at the world. Don't disturb me,” Ryo growled, pulling the grey fedora down to his ears and scuffing his toe in the ground.

Ueda just looked on, his lips quirked in amusement. “What are they all doing here?” He asked Yamapi, waving indicatively at Jin, Kame and Ryo, who were standing bickering below a huge promotion poster, failing at looking inconspicuous.

Kame and Jin are trying to get me laid, and Ryo probably just wants to kill you. “I'm actually not sure, to be honest,” Yamapi said, hand at Ueda's back as the queue moved forward and they came to stand right next to the window where all the sweets stood on display, bright colours on crinkling, glossy, plastic wrappers. “Just. Pretend like they're not here.”

“Okay,” Ueda agreed easily as he couple in front of them got their tickets and moved away. “So, which film are we watching?”

“Um,” Yamapi mumbled, looking around for the poster, “That Cohen one. Burn something something.”

“Two tickets to 'Burn something something',” Ueda said smoothly to the woman at the register, but she only rolled her eyes and pressed the touch screen.

“Would you like anything else?” It was said in the dull, bored tone of someone who had said the same thing for hours on end.

“A slurpee and some edible underwear,” Ueda said, expression neutral.

The woman blinked. “Excuse me?”

Ueda blinked back. “Popcorn please.”


The film was strange, a confusing mesh of events that linked together but didn't really have a fundamental meaning, and Brad Pitt got shot in a closet. Yamapi was much more focused on Ueda's hand creeping into his lap, groping around for his hand beneath the popcorn, and twirling their fingers together. He scooted closer in his seat, scrunching up close to Yamapi to whisper in his ear, “Want to make Nishikido freak?”

Yamapi paused on his way to put popcorn in his mouth, looking over at Ueda's face, pale in the lighting. His eyes were dark, and there was a mischievous expression playing over his features, the corner of his mouth. Yamapi peeked over their shoulders at the trio in the row behind them and caught a glance of Ryo squeezing a ragged-looking doll in his hand, a pin shoved into its head.

Why did we give him that voodoo book for his birthday? He turned back to Ueda. “Why not.”

Ueda's fingers were cool on Yamapi's collarbone as they kissed, slow and soft, half hidden in the theatre darkness.

Ryo made a distressed sound. “I am going to have to scrub my eyes out with soap. You hear me? Soap.” Kame threw popcorn at him, and when Jin gave Yamapi and Ueda a whoop, they both grinned into the kiss and upended the rest of their popcorn on him.


“Why do I have to carry you, you drunkard?” Jin complained as Ryo's head lolled against his shoulder.

“Beca~use, SOAP,” Ryo hiccoughed.

“Jin, just walk,” Kame said, nudging Jin in the back as they crowded out the door of the bar. Jin frowned and grumbled something which sounded much like I'm trying, but complied.

“Thank you,” Yamapi nodded to the barman, the last one to leave after Ueda, sliding the door shut behind them just as Ryo squealed.

“YOU - PIN,” he said, incomprehensibly, flailing angrily at Ueda who looked innocently back.

“Oh, I'm sorry,” Ueda said, holding up the pin Ryo had stabbed his voodoo doll with earlier. “You mean this?”

“Bum, pin. Ryobum and pin. Ryopin. YOU-” Ryo waved with his arms, almost smacking Jin in the face and making them fall to the pavement.

“Shut up, Ryo,” Jin grumbled and started hauling him down the street. “Kame, grab his other arm, will you?”

Kame sighed. “Yeah, yeah,” he said, turning to Yamapi and Ueda. “They were really trying.”

Yamapi smiled. “I believe you.”

“Have a nice evening, then. Sorry for crashing it halfway through.” Kame scratched his elbow, looking awkwardly apologetic.

Ueda gave Kame a playful nudge. “It's okay. We knew you were there the whole time.”

“I know,” Kame winced, shaking his head. “Don't tell Jin about that, please. He'll whine about it for hours.”

“KAME,” Jin roared from down the street.

“Coming!” Kame called back, and started making his way to them.

“Follow me home?” Ueda asked, his fingers curling around Yamapi's arm in a loose grip. Yamapi nodded in answer and started walking through lamp lit night time Tokyo that was glittering with Christmas décor, their steps low taps against the asphalt.

Yamapi swallowed. “I would hold your hand you know. If-”

“I know,” Ueda interrupted softly, letting their shoulders press together for a moment. “I know.”


“I'm not usually this easy on the first date,” Ueda said, fingers tracing lazy circles on Yamapi's lower stomach.

Yamapi hummed, dragging his nose along Ueda's neck. “I'm sure you tell everyone that.”

“I do,” Ueda grinned. “I have to. People keep asking. I can't tell them 'I want a pervy sex romp with Yamapi', can I.”

Yamapi gave him a surprised look. “You wanted to have a pervy sex romp with me?”

“Gosh, yes,” Ueda muttered, rolling over and settling between Yamapi's thighs. “Why do you have to be so stupidly attractive? You cause more than your fair share of teenage angst.” He threaded his fingers through Yamapi's hair, fingertips cool against Yamapi's scalp. He studied Yamapi's chin. “Plus, you still have teenage angst yourself.”

Yamapi tried to smile, didn't quite manage it. “I blame it on the drama roles I've had.”

Ueda tilted his head, smile curling on his face. “That's not what Nishikido said when he came to tell me to put a stop to your unrequited angst.”

Yamapi frowned. “Ryo did what?”

Ueda bit his lip. “He said, quote, shag him or I will kill him, and you, and KAT-TUN, and all the Jimusho, except maybe Tegoshi, and that nice hairdresser, unquote. And then he said something about killing that other hairdresser with the rash anyway, because that was simply unhygienic.”

“So you knew.” Pi said slowly, resigned. Something in his stomach tightened, something that felt like shame and embarrassment and a little bit like self disgust.

Ueda moved up, his hands cupping Yamapi's face, forcing him to meet his gaze. Yamapi didn't move as Ueda leaned down to kiss him, gently, quickly, more meaning than touch. “Sometimes it's good to know things,” he said, voice low, almost scratchy.

Yamapi breathed in slowly, closing his eyes. “Do you still want to have pervy sex romps with me?”

Ueda nosed the soft spot behind Yamapi's ear. “Very much so.”

Yamapi splayed his palms on Ueda's naked hips. “Then I think it will be just fine.” He opened his eyes to a grin on Ueda's face and mid-morning sunshine breaking through the clouds.


Later that day Yamapi got a text from Ryo.

Happy Christmas.



*rating: r, *year: 2008, ueda tatsuya/yamashita tomohisa, *group: news, *group: kat-tun

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